Project: Lighthouse Project

Josh Dotzler Headshot

Leader: Josh Dotzler 



To bring heaven to earth in every inner-city neighborhood.

Project Categories

  • Innovative Approaches to Mobilization

Big Idea and Overview

In 2009 our first Lighthouse was recognized by the police for helping revitalize a formerly redlined neighborhood known for crime and violence. In 2016 a study showed our Lighthouse, impacting three blocks, decreases crime and violence by roughly 75% in a neighborhood. Fifty-two Lighthouses have been renovated and activated since 2009. Our goal is to renovate and activate 50 more in the next four years because we know it works. A Lighthouse is a formerly dilapidated home that has been refurbished and filled with a family who is committed to a life of mission. We surround these Lighthouses with resources to beautify their neighborhoods, host block parties and other community events, and connect them to holistic programs and resources on our campus. John 1:14 says Jesus moved into the neighborhood. We know the power of PRESENCE changes a neighborhood and lives. When the people of God who carry the presence of God are present in challenging communities, the Kingdom of God becomes a reality.

Customer / Mission Field Context

Our mission is to revitalize the inner-city one neighborhood at a time. Our focus is to bring life, hope, and resources to a community in need and to see areas that have been redlined and filled with red dots (homicides) experience Kingdom revitalization. We target Christ-centered individuals and families who want to live on mission and make a difference in the world. The context can be dangerous and challenging but our Lighthouse Leaders feel a calling to walk out their faith in radical ways.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  • 50 New Lighthouses in 4 years. ($155,000 per house)
  • 50 New Lighthouse families and leaders in 4 years. 
  • Replication of this model in 5 new inner-cities. (Currently 5)

Results and

  • 52 Lighthouses
  • 75% crime reduction in Lighthouse Neighborhoods
  • Mobilize 8,000-10,000 Volunteers annually

Media Assets

Snapshots of Innovation
Exponential NEXT Podcast