LNP 43 | The Future is About Integration

August 15, 2023

We listened. We learned. The second finding from our “Listening Tour,” the Future is About Integration, is explored further with Cheyanne Skeldon, a leading voice in Next Gen ministry, technology for growth, and helping leaders live whole lives through Life Planning and Coaching.

Guest: Cheyanne Skeldon Partner Success Manager, GLOO

Host: Mindy Caliguire, Director of Healthy Leaders NEXT

Cheyanne Skeldon

Cheyanne Skeldon

Cheyanne serves as a Partner Success Manager at Gloo, where she helps lead their partnership with Barna Group as they work together to help church leaders understand the times and help equip them to respond well. In addition, she partners with her husband Grant, leading the Next Gen initiatives at THINQ where they convene high-capacity Next Gen leaders and create space for connection, collaboration and spiritual health. Cheyanne is deeply passionate about the emotional health and wholeness of leaders, where healing and intimacy with Jesus in one’s inner life overflows into all aspects of their outer life and leadership.
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