Project: Lux Digital Church
Mark Lutz


To see a thriving, self-supporting, and multiplying church that impacts thousands of lives digitally and physically with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Project Categories

  • Church Planter Recruiting and Equipping
  • Church Planting and Funding Model
  • Digital Engagement and Technology Models and Methods
  • Disciple Making and Church Engagement
  • Methods and Models for Mobilizing Everyday Missionaries
  • Micro Models and Expressions

Big Idea and Overview

Our big idea is to reach the gaming community with the love and light of Jesus. Our approach is really simple. Reach people where they are. Return to the core devotions of the first church. People are on their phones and computers for hours every day. Lux is a church that exits where they are.

When we felt called to reach gamers we needed a church without borders,
brick and mortar, or timber and steel. Gamers are global and we needed to be global from the start. We realize that every church has hundreds or thousands of Millennials and Gen Z within their immediate area that will never come to a physical church no matter how good the preaching, comfy the seats, or bumping the music. They can only be reached through their digital life.

We knew we were called to start a digital church in 2019, we told our church leadership in 2020, we went through planting with Stadia and partnered with them, we established the church in the state of PA in early 2021 and held our first live service on March 24th, 2021 at

Customer / Mission Field Context

We are specifically targeting the gaming community on Twitch averages about 1.5 million unique viewers at any given time and sees about 100 million unique viewers every month. While our church is for gamers we realize that gamers are multifaceted and games only occupy an aspect of their lives. We desire to use gaming as an opportunity to speak into other areas of life and allow Jesus to transform every aspect of who they are.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  1. Begin a thriving and multiplying digital church.

  2. Plant micro site house churches all across the globe.

  3. Work with Christian streamers and content creators to disciple their

    already dedicated fans.

  4. Form a church without the overhead of facilities to be extravagantly generous.

  5. Lead the Church (Big C) is new ways to reach the Post Millennial generations.

Results and

Our first public service was attended by over 100 people. We have an online community with people from six different countries and over a dozen states. Many of our early community members are professing atheist’s who are open to spiritual conversations or people who have been hurt by the church and left the physical church long ago. Here is an example of a message we got after our first service:

Hey pastor, just wanted to reach out quick to say something that was on my mind. Last night’s service was the first time I had been to church in about 10 years. Religion was shoved down my throat from an early age and it really just turned me off to it all. But right now, I am the lowest I have been in my life, and I’ve been searching desperately for something to believe in, some sort of sign that everything will work out and that there is a plan. And while
I don’t yet know for sure if religion will end up being the path that I take, I still find incredible value in the teachings, lessons, and overall message that you bring to service. I plan to attend the lux service whenever I am able to, because I just have a feeling that this is where I’m supposed to be, that I
was in the legends cast discord for a reason, and that I was pulled towards clicking the lux discord link for a reason. I appreciate what you do, and I can’t wait to see where this brings me personally, and the community as a whole. Thank you for allowing me to be part of it.

While many churches have amazing stories like this it’s the confession of “returning to church after 10 years” that blows us away at Lux! We are a fully digital church and this dechurched person feels as though they have returned to church through our fellowship.