February 4, 2019

“The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Frederick Buechner

I am excited to represent The Upper Room at Exponential, where thousands of leaders will gather for inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

The Upper Room and Path 1(the United Methodist division dedicated to equipping and supporting church planters) see that church planters and leaders of new church starts live under pressure to “launch quickly,” to meet benchmarks for success, and to reach critical mass. We know that anxiety about these day-to-day realities can often displace attention to God’s call. During our time together at Exponential, we will talk about how we, as spiritual leaders, ground ourselves in God, find a life-giving rhythm, and guide our people into spiritual practices that will reshape and strengthen us from the inside out during such challenging times.

We want to find ways to weave our many ministries together with a single intent of guiding our people toward maturing as disciples of Jesus Christ. The theme this year, Made for More: Mobilizing God’s People, God’s Way, creates a perfect context to reflect on these and other questions.

Please join me in prayer and expectation for this event in Orlando, March 4–7, as we all hope to discover that we are made for more than we could ever imagine.

Click below to see my personal message to participants at Exponential.

 Kara serves as the Director of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at The Upper Room. 


Made for More Conference