Made for More Video Series – From More Guilt to More Love

Rob Wegner Introduces Shift 3 for Mobilization

December 14, 2018


As Jesus’ Body, we are called to fill everything every way with Jesus.

Our 2019 Exponential theme is Made for More: Mobilizing Gods People Gods Way.  We are addressing 6 essential shifts needed to create a culture of healthy mobilization.  I want to tell you briefly about Shift 3: From More Guilt to More Love.

As a leader, there’s NO WAY that you can maintain the job of trying to motivate your people to live on mission.  It will wear you out!

So many church leaders are just exhausted from trying pump their people up, trying to cheerlead them into action, from having to bump, bump, bump them into action.

In Ephesians 3, vs 16-21, Paul unlocks the source of endless motivation.  This should be the first prayer of every church leader, Paul is praying the people of God will just drown in the ocean of God’s love because that LOVE is the only fuel that sustain us on mission.  When we experienced how profoundly loved we are in Christ; that gospel love becomes our never-ending means and motivation to love others.  

We’ve got to make the shift from more guilt to more love.  Instead of the “We Can Build It, You Can Help Approach” where we motivate people by expressing needs with urgency and asking them to “make a difference,”  in the “You Can Build It We can help” approach, we motivate by first helping people understand how loved they are in Christ – that He has already “made the difference” they most need.

As a church leader, every person in your church who is motivated by the LOVE OF JESUS, has an endless source of motivation.  Every person who isn’t, is dependent on you to pump them up, keep them moving, and it won’t work. 

In the Made for More Resource Kit, you’ll see a case study featuring John Mark Comer and Bridgetown Church, they have created a pathway for every follower of Jesus can discover and rest in their own belovedness, and then work from that place of rest.  

Watch this video as Rob Wegner talks about the third essential shift for mobilization, from More Guilt to More Love.


Additional videos in our Made for More Videos series: IntroductionShift 1, Shift 2.

We have designed a FREE church resource kit as a journey for you and your team, your staff, and your elders. It includes 20+ videos, 8 bible study lessons, and everything you need to have a catalytic conversation to help you begin mobilizing God’s people, God’s way.

For other free Made for More Resources, check out the Made for More Library.