Made for More Video Series – From More Hierarchy to More Missionaries

Rob Wegner Introduces Shift 4 for Mobilization

January 3, 2019


All things are under Jesus feet.  That tells us that Jesus is MORE. He is always MORE.

Our 2019 Exponential theme is Made for More: Mobilizing Gods People Gods Way.  We are addressing 6 essential shifts needed to create a culture of healthy mobilization.  I want to tell you briefly about Shift 4: From More Hierarchy to More Missionaries.

The book of Ephesians is our Biblical foundation for unleashing More in us, through us and beyond us.    

And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. – Ephesians 1:22-23

All things are under Jesus feet.  That tells us that Jesus is MORE. He is always MORE.  The church is called to More, to be the fullness of Jesus into every nook and cranny of society.  Like water fills and saturates an aquarium, Jesus is sending His people to fill and saturate every nook and cranny of society

With this massive vision to millions and billions of God’s people mobilized in their one of kind masterpiece mission, filling every nook and cranny, how does church organize for that kind of decentralized, bottom-up movement without strangling it or turning it into concrete?

Watch this video as Rob Wegner talks about the fourth essential shift for mobilization, from More Hierarchy to More Missionaries.


Additional videos in our Made for More Videos series: IntroductionShift 1, Shift 2. Shift 3.

We have designed a FREE church resource kit as a journey for you and your team, your staff, and your elders. It includes 20+ videos, 8 bible study lessons, and everything you need to have a catalytic conversation to help you begin mobilizing God’s people, God’s way.

For other free Made for More Resources, check out the Made for More Library.