Welcome to the Made for More Video Series

Rob Wegner Introduces Made for More's Six Shifts for Mobilization

November 1, 2018


Sunday’s coming, right?

Each week, as a church leader, you’ve got dozens, if not hundreds of volunteer slots that need to be filled so that the ministry programs of the church will thrive. Most people and most churches are still defining ministry as volunteerism, a few hours a month. We know that is a far cry short of the biblical definition of mission and ministry which is all of life. Yet, most of mobilization processes lead to volunteerism as the ultimate outcome.

Maybe it’s time to look at how we’re mobilizing people. We need to go back to Scripture to look at how God has called us, as leaders of His Church, to activate the members of the Body of Christ for His work. In Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus, he laid out guidelines for motivating and mobilizing the priesthood of believers—a plan that transformed the early church into a movement that turned the Roman Empire upside down and changed culture.

In this video, Rob Wegner talks about the six essential shifts based on Ephesians 1-6 that our churches can make to revolutionize how we mobilize God’s people, God’s way.


Click the following links for additional videos Made for More video series: Shift 1, Shift 2

We have designed a FREE church resource kit as a journey for you and your team, your staff, and your elders. It includes 20+ videos, 8 bible study lessons, and everything you need to have a catalytic conversation to help you begin mobilizing God’s people God’s way.

For other great Made for More Resources, check out our Made for More Library.

Join us at Exponential 2019 in Orlando, March 4-7, 2019 as we launch our theme, Made for More: Mobilizing God’s People, God’s Way, along with 5000+ other like-minded church multiplication leaders!