Making Disciples | Bill Hull | Exponential

January 26, 2017

Disciples are the kind of people that are going to change the world.

In this training video from Exponential West 2015, Bill Hull talks about why we make disciples, as well as how that happens in a church plant. He believes the gospel we believe in determines the disciples we make.

Join Bill Hull at Exponential East 2017 where he will be leading workshops on discipleship.

Key Highlights:

  • Why bother making disciples?
  • Bill Hull’s definition of a disciple

Bill Hull has spent his adult life as a discipleship evangelist. His twenty years as a local church pastor and more than twenty books on the subject testify to his commitment. Bill believes that the church faces a very practical problem, we keep trying to reach the world without first making disciples. We are preaching a gospel that separates conversion from discipleship. When this happens, we make disciples who don’t believe in discipleship. The solution is found in rebuilding a gospel that embraces discipleship.

Bill Hull

Bill Hull

Bill Hull is a writer and discipleship evangelist calling the Church to choose the life Jesus calls His disciples to. Bill has written numerous books on this subject (including the watershed works The Disciple Making Pastor and The Disciple Making Church) and spent 20 years working it out as a pastor.
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