Are You Being ‘Mean’ About the Vision God Gave You?

Shawn Lovejoy shares what he has learned about relentlessly preserving and protecting your vision

January 4, 2017


The moment we forget why we’re doing what we’re doing, we’ll lose our passion.                                             Shawn Lovejoy, author, Be Mean About the Vision: Preserving and Protecting What Matters Most

Being mean about your church’s vision is about intentionally making sure everyone is unified around the same vision. In this video session from Exponential West 2016, pastor and author Shawn Lovejoy explains what it takes to regain your passion for vision and what to do when others lose sight of what matters most. He cautions church leaders: “If you don’t continually uphold and reinforce your vision, it will drift or be hijacked.”

Join Shawn Lovejoy at Exponential East 2017 for his pre-conference, Leadership: The Three Gears of Growth. Lovejoy, Blake Stanley and Chris Bell from 3Circle Church will explore the how-to’s of aligning culture, team, and systems for rapid growth and multiplication, as well as building a team no one wants to leave.

Key Highlights:

  • What it looks like to “be mean” about your God-birthed vision.
  • How to align and unify people around the vision.
  • Why it’s critical that we measure success God’s way.
  • Practical ways to prevent vision drift.

Shawn Lovejoy is directional leader for, a national coaching and resourcing ministry for pastors and churches. He is also author of Be Mean About Your Vision and The Measure of Our Success