Mobilization: The Church Has Left the Building

December 13, 2016

What does it look like to mobilize God’s people to live as sent missionaries where they live, work, and play? Are we committed to taking responsibility for the geography where God has placed His church? In this podcast from Exponential East 2016, Tim Hawks discusses how to better understand all of our God-given geography as we prayerfully consider how to take responsibility for the evangelization of all who reside there. Hawks shares how Austin, TX has mobilized over 300 churches to reach their neighbors with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Don’t miss Exponential East 2017, where multiple workshop tracks will focus on church multiplication and Gospel saturation.

Key Highlights:

  • Definitions of mobilization, transformation, collaboration, and multiplication that lend insight to Gospel Saturation
  • The importance of a big vision in church planting
  • Modeling Gospel Saturation in your own life
  • Equipping believers to share the Gospel
  • Collaborating with other churches to see greater Gospel Saturation
  • 3 questions to gauge where the Holy Spirit is working

Currently, Tim Hawks sits on the Board of Directors for Christ Together and provides leadership to like-minded pastors. His heart to see the gospel shared with every man, woman and child across the country begins at home in Austin, TX, where he provides leadership at the local level to Christ Together Greater Austin.

Mobilization: The Church Has Left the Building – Tim Hawks
Tim Hawks

Tim Hawks

Tim Hawks has served as the Lead Pastor of Hill Country Bible Church Austin for over 30 years which, by God’s grace and faithful provision, has formed the Association of Hill Country Churches and planted 39 churches in the Greater Austin area. He has been instrumental in founding and shaping Christ Together - a citywide and nationwide cooperative movement of churches and kingdom leaders across denominations and throughout major cities – unifying the church to saturate their cities with the love of Jesus. Tim has also enjoyed training international church planters, serving on the Board of EastWest Ministries International, and collaborating with Exponential to develop multiplying churches. Tim and his wife Cindy have 5 adult children and 4 grandchildren. As a couple, they are personally committed to saturating Greater Austin with the love of Jesus — knowing and serving their neighbors and taking the time to build strong community and relationships through small groups and discipleship.
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