Mobilizing Missional Disciples: Remission — Moving a congregation of members to a community of missionaries

November 1, 2021


Mobilizing Missional Disciples
Remission — Moving a congregation of members to a community of missionaries

There’s never been a more important time to mobilize the people of God in the everyday spaces of life. So how then do we take a congregation of members and see them transformed into a community of missionaries? How do we lead people from being consumers of church-y goods and services, to living out the imago dei in the places they live work and play? Join us as we discuss these questions with pastor and author Jon Ritner.
Featured Guests:
JON RITNER — Lead pastor of Ecclesia Hollywood in Los Angeles, California
BETH WOLFF — Beth Wolff is the Lead Pastor at Clarksburg Church in Clarksburg, MD
Watch the replay of this conversation on demand at
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