Mobilizing Missional Discipleship — Recalibrate: Forgotten paradigms at the heart of the future church

September 10, 2021


Mobilizing Missional Disciples
Recalibrate: Forgotten paradigms at the heart of the future church

Featured Guest:
BRIAN SANDERS — Founder of the Underground Network

RYAN HAIRSTON — National Director of Forge America
BETH WOLFF — Pastor at Clarksburg Church in Clarksburg, MD

How do we navigate the many challenges we face in order to be the missional church God has called us to be. Unfortunately, the answers presented are often quick fixes: 5-steps, a new program, new material, or new practices. Alone, these solutions are not bad; however, when solving our “church” challenges they are short term, acute in nature, and leave the underlying issues untouched. What we really need is a recalibration in our paradigms and not just shift in our practices.

This webinar will revisit forgotten paradigms so we can better be the church now and in the future.

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