Multiplication Thinking

Hero Maker Practice 1 with Albert Tate

March 13, 2018


The practice of multiplication thinking is a shift from thinking ministry happens through my own leadership to thinking ministry happens through multiplied leaders. This is a shift in thinking, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Think it!” You move from thinking that the best way to maximize ministry is through your own efforts to understanding that it is through developing the leadership of others.

We see this in the life of Jesus in Acts 1:8. When Jesus casts a vision for taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, he tells his followers, “You will be my witnesses,” to explain that he is going to do it through them. Jesus didn’t think the mission was going to happen just though him during his time on this earth; he thought it would happen through others who would equip others who would equip still others. Jesus practiced multiplication thinking.

At Exponential 2018, Albert Tate opened the conference and challenged us to think God’s Kingdom rather than our personal kingdom – the key component in multiplication thinking. Watch Albert’s main stage talk below from Exponential 2018.


For more main stage videos from Exponential 2018 like this, purchase the Digital Access Pass by clicking hereIn fact, you get access to every main stage speaker session where leaders like Andy Stanley, Ed Stetzer Carey Nieuwhof, D.A. Horton, Danielle Strickland, and Leonce Crump walk you through the 5 Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders.