Your Starting Point for Multiplying Your Church

November 17, 2016

What is your starting point for multiplying your church?

Like anything in life, we must know where we’re starting from to get to where we’re going. To move toward multiplication, you must first know your present reality. What level of multiplication (1-5) is your church currently experiencing? What level do you aspire to?

To answer these questions and begin to chart a new course for your church, check out this week’s featured resources:

  • Learn how the Becoming 5 Assessment tool works, how it was developed, and why leaders are not only leveraging the tool, but also asking their leadership teams and key laity to take the assessment as well.
  • The Becoming 5 Assessment tool offers a snapshot of your church’s past, present and future (where you aspire to be). The multiple-choice questions take less than 20 minutes to answer. Go to to register (name and email) and take the Becoming 5 assessment. You’ll get immediate results reflecting your church’s multiplication profile and pattern.
  • For a full exploration and detailed examples of the multiplication profiles (Levels 1-5), as well as the three key multiplication tensions you’ll need to navigate, download the FREE eBook Becoming a Level 5 Multiplying Church by Todd Wilson and Dave Ferguson.
  • Learn about the prominent church cultures most leaders naturally create in The FREE eBook Spark: Igniting a Culture of Multiplication by Todd Wilson and then honestly assess the multiplication culture of your church.
  • We’ll be talking about the Becoming 5 framework (Levels 1-5) and how churches are applying the Becoming 5 assessment tool at Exponential East 2017. Gather with other church leaders for the live gathering on April 24-27 in Orlando, Florida.

Next week: We’ll be talking about personal calling and the potential role your church plays in helping people not only identify their unique calling but also activate it. Level 5 multiplication in the Church will only happen when churches learn to release the priesthood of believers. To get these resources throughout the week, follow @churchplanting on Facebook and Twitter.

Additional Resources


Give God Some Credit: Risk Taking for Greater Impact by Brett Andrews

You Can Multiply Your Church: One Journey to Radical Multiplication by Ralph Moore

More Than BBQ: How God Is Creating a Citywide Church-Planting Movement in Kansas City by Dan Southerland and Troy McMahon

The Question That Changed My Life: How Planting Life-Giving Churches Became Our Direction by Jeff Leake

Small Church, Big Impact: A Call for Small Churches to Multiply by Kevin Cox


Asking the Right Multiplication Questions/ a podcast featuring church-planting leader (Healthy Growing Churches) Tom Planck

7 DNA Components of a Reproducing Church/a podcast featuring Reach Northeast leaders Jeff Leake and Brian Bolt

What It Takes to Become a Sending Church/ a podcast featuring Spanish River Church’s Ron Tobias