NEW Partnership Announced with RightNow Media, Multiplying Ways to Serve Church Planters & Pastors

October 7, 2020

With all that’s happening in the world right now, we have to be creative about how we work together as the church to make disciples and plant churches. At Exponential, we’ve been looking for ways to expand our reach as we equip you to serve your church and reach your community. 

We’re excited to announce a new partnership between Exponential and RightNow Media that will multiply the ways we’re able to serve you.

As a reminder, Exponential is a growing community of leaders committed to accelerating the multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities. RightNow Media exists to work with the global church to inspire people to love others before self and Christ above all.

By using the power of technology, we believe we can accomplish these God-given visions together. That’s why Exponential and RightNow Media recently decided to partner together to help multiply the church and make disciples of Jesus. RightNow Media provides churches with subscription access to thousands of video-driven Bible study resources taught by trusted Christian leaders like Francis Chan, Matt Chandler, Jennie Allen, Dr. Tony Evans, and many more. By providing your team and church family with access to the RightNow Media video library, you can help equip everyone in the church with resources to grow their faith, nurture their families, and make disciples in their own communities.

You’ll be seeing more of RightNow Media throughout our events in the coming year, and we invite you to check out their service for yourself to see how it can help you as you grow your church. As a special offer, you have access to a free RightNow Media Bible study video series featuring Matt Chandler so you can get an idea of what their video library offers.

Together for the Kingdom of Christ,

Todd Wilson

Exponential CEO