Opening Session Recap

Albert Tate & Andy Stanley Speak on Multiplication Thinking

February 27, 2018


If you missed our Opening Session, we talked about multiplication thinking—the first practice in hero making. Albert Tate challenged us to think God’s Kingdom vs. our kingdom. Andy Stanley helped us think about Jesus’ words to His disciples in John 14:12-14 (“that you will do even greater things”) means for us today as hero makers.

Are you living for your resume or for your eulogy? – Albert Tate

You can spend 20 years in ministry doing the right thing and miss the greater thing God is doing. – Andy Stanley

Join us for Session 2 in 30 minutes where we’ll be talking about the second practice of hero making—permission giving. To be hero makers, we must shift from seeing what God can do through our leadership to seeing what God can do through other leaders. Ed Stetzer is back with us to share recent multiplication findings for top church-planting churches and Carey Nieuwhof will help us reflect on Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28) and what Jesus really meant when He said, “All authority has been given to you.” You won’t want to miss it! Finally, inner-city ministry leader and Pastor Harvey Carey will close out Tuesday, challenging us to honestly ask, “Who am I holding back because I haven’t given my permission to lead and make heroes of others?”

Summary Recaps of All Five Sessions

Session 1 – Multiplication Thinking

Session 2 – Permission Giving

Session 3 – Disciple Multipying

Session 4 – Gift Activating

Session 5 – Kingdom Building

If you missed any of Exponential or want to bring the conference to your team, you can get everything on our Exponential 2018 Digital Access Pass, which includes all five main Hero Maker sessions.

And if you want to experience Hero Maker live (and bring your team), this fall we’ll be traveling to five different cities to offer regional events—including all five Hero Maker main sessions:

September 10-11 Washington, D.C.

October 2-4 Southern California

October 22-23 San Francisco Bay Area

October 24-25 Houston

November 6-7 Chicago