Exponential Orlando 2020 — Day 3

Together: Pursuing the Great Collaboration

March 5, 2020


The third day of Exponential 2020 featured collaborative workshops, networking lunches, inspirational main sessions, and a focus on tangible ways we can go into the world together.

Check out a video with highlights from day three:

The morning began early with Bible study followed by workshops, and two inspirational main stage sessions.

Bible study was led by Oscar Muriu, Senior Pastor of Nairobi Chapel in Kenya. His church is working toward the goal of planting 300 churches in Africa and worldwide.

Grant Skeldon, founder of Initiative Network, leads a conversation about building a diverse church for a diverse generation.

Alex and Hannah Absalom, founders of Dandelion Resourcing, explored what it means for a leader to embody an empowered life and lead with Spirit-led expectations.

Carrie Williams, founder and CEO of The Truth Republic, shares what it looks like to be a woman in ministry and how to tackle big challenges with solutions that actually work.

Myron Pierce, founder and lead pastor of Mission Church in Omaha, surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus at 18 years old while leaving the courtroom facing a life sentence in jail. He spoke about freelance church planting in both wealth and poverty.

Michael Carrion, senior and planting pastor of Promised Land Covenant Church in the North and South Bronx, talked about living and leading in togetherness as a Church.

“The best pastors — the most gifted ones — smell like sheep,” Carrion said. “If you want to be influential and missional, you need to be among the world.”

Greg Surratt, founding pastor of Seacoast Church in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, spoke about going together into the world as a network.

“When we leave our egos and logos at the door because we don’t care who takes the credit, I believe we can change the world,” said Surratt.

Dave Ferguson, co-founder of Community Christian Church, New Thing, and Exponential, announced the official multiplication of Exponential as the entire sanctuary commissioned the Exponential Europe launch team.

Check out the video of the announcement:

The official Exponential Europe conference will take place in Berlin from Oct. 13-15, 2020.

Oscar Muriu, senior pastor at Nairobi Chapel in Kenya. A thriving missions-focused congregation, Nairobi Chapel has a vision to plant 300 churches in Africa and worldwide.

“No part of the body should be parasite on the rest of the body,” said Muriu. “Each one of us as part of the body [of Christ] has something to give.”

Jossy Chacko, founder and president of EmpartYou, encouraged leaders to widen their circles as we go into our communities together.

“You need to collaborate with people who receive you, not only people who agree with you,” Chacko said. “When Jesus sent out the disciples, He said: Go. If they receive you, stay with them.”

An incredible time of worship today featured worship leader, singer, and songwriter Ron Kenoly.

Missed Exponential 2020 in Orlando? No Worries!

If you missed any of Exponential 2020 or want to bring the conference to your team, make sure you grab our Exponential 2020 Digital Access Pass, which includes the recording of all five main stage sessions.

Our 2021 conference theme is Empowered: Moving With The Spirit. This conference will take place during March 1-4, 2021 in Orlando, FL. Learn more here!