Exponential Orlando 2020 — Day 4

Together: Pursuing the Great Collaboration

March 6, 2020


The fourth and final day of Exponential 2020 focused on committing to Jesus’ mission to go, in love, together. As we each commit to do our part to plant and multiply churches together, we will see multiplying churches that multiply, movement occur, and the mission of Jesus accomplished.

Check out a video with highlights from day four:

Shodankeh Johnson, the leader of New Harvest ministries in Sierra Leone, West Africa, led Bible study this morning with a focus on the importance of prayer and fasting. He was introduced by Bobby Harrington (center left), CEO of Discipleship.org.

“Even on my dying bed, let me win one more soul for God,” Johnson said.

Deb Hirsch leads a workshop conversation about sexuality and spirituality. Hirsh has led churches in both Australia and Los Angeles, and co-authored (with Alan Hirsch) Untamed: Reactivating a Missional Form of Discipleship.

In workshop sessions on the last day, speakers encouraged attendees to brainstorm ways we can go, in love, together to serve our communities and our families. Pete Scazzero (left), co-founder of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, spoke about the need for our churches to become more dependent on the Holy Spirit.

Kadi Cole (middle), founding member of the Women’s Executive Pastor Network, talked about male and female leaders supporting and advocating for one another.

Founder and lead pastor of The Church of Eleven22, Joby Martin (right), encouraged a room bursting at the seams to focus on thriving in ministry — not just surviving.

Author, speaker, trainer, and global social justice advocate, Danielle Strickland, took the main stage to remind us that God wants us together forever.

“The way we miss the Great Collaboration is not in what we do; it’s in what we don’t do,” Strickland proclaimed.

Albert Tate is the founding pastor of Fellowship Church, one of the fastest-growing multiethnic churches in the United States. He got the crowd on its feet shouting, “Turn the light on! Let’s make the darkness tremble!”

“People are using the Bible as a consultant and not as the light and guide for their lives,” Tate continued. “It’s dark out there and people need to see!”

The final session ended with a commissioning of the Great Collaboration: to go, in love, together!


Missed Exponential 2020 in Orlando? No Worries!

If you missed any of Exponential 2020 or want to bring the conference to your team, make sure you grab our Exponential 2020 Digital Access Pass, which includes the recording of all five main stage sessions.

Our 2021 conference theme is Empowered: Moving With The Spirit. This conference will take place during March 1-4, 2021 in Orlando, FL. Learn more here!