The Path Less Traveled…

February 2, 2017

For most church leaders, the journey to reproduction and multiplication represents a path less traveled. While few feel equipped to travel that path, a growing number are embarking on this new journey. We continue to see and talk to more leaders who are leaning into their holy discontent and seeking to understand the call to multiply. A movement is stirring. Will you take the path less traveled and become an activist for multiplication? Will you help move the needle from less than 4 percent of U.S. churches ever reproducing to greater than 10 percent?

If so, we want to come alongside you. Exponential exists to inspire, encourage, equip and support you on your journey! Our feature article this week highlights the primary tensions that multiplying leaders face, helping you identify what to expect, as well as how to walk through them. Also, check out the FREE video resources below we’re releasing this week, including video teaching from NAMB’s Jeff Christopherson as he focuses on, “The Difference Between Church Growth and Kingdom Growth.”

Don’t forget to sign up for one of the 2017 Exponential Conferences and join the family of thousands of like-minded leaders who are embracing multiplication as their scorecard.

Growing the Kingdom vs. Growing Your Church – Jeff Christopherson explains that the current method of church growth is resulting in the Church losing ground and that it is therefore necessary for us to change our methods of operation. He exposes myths we believe that lead us to stray from expanding God’s Kingdom.

Developing a Missional Ecclesiology – Brad Brisco talks about cultivating a missional ecclesiology. He explains how God’s mission is at the center of the Bible and should permeate through church’s local contexts.

Discipleship in a Local Church Context – Disciple-making should be established in a church plant from day one and should continue as the church grows. In this video from Exponential West 2015, Bobby Harrington explains how to develop this DNA of discipleship and perpetuate it.

Intentional Culture – Brian Zehr talks about how you can establish a healthy, multiplying culture from the start and how you can protect it once your church has been planted. Moving from survival to multiplication requires intentional steps through the church planting process.

Planting Churches from New Believers – John Worcester explains how to gather a team to launch a church. By creating an environment where nonbelievers can feel like they belong, you will be able to build them into disciples that make disciples.

Todd Wilson

Todd Wilson

Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd was a co-founder and founding CEO of Exponential, which organizes and hosts the annual Exponential Global conference in Orlando and live events throughout the United States and world. Todd lives in Durham, NC, with his wife, Anna. They have two sons and two daughters-in-law: Ben & Therese and Chris & Mariah, and two amazing grandsons.
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