As a husband of 15 years, father of 4 and a life-long, card carrying nerd, Bubba uses his passion to love and serve the people that God puts in his path by meeting them in the places where they find rest, joy, acceptance and life. For the last 12 years, those places have been the church and nerd culture. In an effort to marry the two he has been a full-time nerd culture missionary since October of 2019. In February of 2018 he helped to found an organization called Love Thy Nerd in order to create nerd culture mission opportunities for people who find themselves stuck and unfulfilled in Kingdom work through traditional mission models. In August of 2022 he became the CEO and President of Love Thy Nerd and started to move the organization toward the training, equipping and empowering of church leaders to help them better love and serve the nerds in their spheres of accountable influence.
Snapshots of Innovation with Bubba Stallcup
Exponential NEXT Podcast Episode 1 Series: Snapshots of Innovation Welcome to the Exponential NEXT Podcast, where we interview ministry leaders across North America who are...