Grant Skeldon

Grant Skeldon

Next Gen Director, Q Ideas

In response to millennials being labeled as noncommittal, lazy, entitled “slacktivists,” Grant Skeldon started Initiative Network with the goal to unite and train young leaders to be Christ-loving, city-changing, church-investing, disciple-making local missionaries. Initiative has united and accelerated some of the most diverse and dynamic next gen leaders from across the country to collaboratively transform their cities together.

Grant has written for RelevantChurchLeadersThe Gospel Coalition, and his new book on millennials, The Passion Generation, has helped thousands of pastors and parents who are trying to reach, raise, and retain the next generation. Grant serves on the board of Catalyst and is an associate for Leadership Network and Exponential.


October 3, 2023

The Four Stages of Discipling This Generation, And How We Finally Move Past Stage One

We’ve all encountered this at some point: We’re just living our lives. Minding our own business. Living the dream. And then one day we get...

October 2, 2023

The Four Stages of Discipling This Generation

So we’ve all encountered this at some point. We’re just living our lives. Minding our own business. Living the dream. And then one day we...