Kristi Bramlett has worked for more than 30 years as a professional actress, a college professor, a mentor, a coach, and a movement analyst. Kristi’s passion is to help her clients use their voice and body to authentically communicate their thoughts and ideas. For over a decade, she has served on an assessment team at Community Christian Church supporting campus pastors, worship leaders, and teaching pastors. Most recently, Kristi has been blessed to serve as a Bootcamp Embodiment Coach for Danielle Strickland’s Women Speakers Collective and PreacHER Academy. She has also led workshops for many other organizations that include Stadia, World Vision, Generis, Ministry Chick, Exponential, and Aspen Group. Kristi would love to work with you, too. Some of her offerings include classes for ministry teams or individuals, 1:1 coaching packages, speaking assessments, and movement workshops that will prepare you to step into leadership confidently.

August 19, 2024
Claiming Your Space As A Leader
We all seek to find spaces where our voice is welcomed, celebrated, and valued. You matter and what God has given you to say is...