Planting Churches That End in a Movement

May 12, 2017

“Do you have a vision for your community that cannot be accomplished by your church alone?”

As moderator for this workshop from Exponential East 2017, Wade Burnett starts this vital conversation with a vital question that all church leaders serious about advancing the Kingdom must answer. Burnett talks with Level 5 multiplier and Hope Chapel movement founder Ralph Moore who’s joined by NAMB’s Vice President Jeff Christopherson. The two venerable leaders recently teamed up to write Exponential’s  new FREE eBook New to Five: Starting a Level Five Multiplying Church. 

In this workshop, Moore, Christopherson and Burnett focus on what it takes to begin at Level 5–bypassing addition lust and moving straight into sowing the seeds of a movement.

Says Moore: “Every church needs to say it’s our responsibility to launch churches.” Christopherson adds, “Theologically, we have no room for Level 3.”

To help you move toward multiplication, we’re offering you the opportunity to watch this important session in its entirety. Just click on the video below.

Key Takeaways:

  • Helpful explanation for understanding each of the five levels of church multiplication
  • Insightful discussion of the state of church planting in America
  • Why every leader must honestly ask and assess: Am I building my kingdom or God’s Kingdom?
  • How to emphasizing sending when you plant a church in ways that begin to create a “sending” culture
  • What it looks like to surrender to God’s Level 5 dream (Acts 1:8)  for your church

For more on multiplication and learning about the new church  to Level 5 pathway, check out Moore’s and Christopherson’s ebook, New to Five. Download it here. You can also join Exponential live this fall for the Dream Big Tour at one of our five locations in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles (Exponential West), Houston, Chicago and the San Francisco Bay Area.


Wade Burnett was recently named a new senior associate at MultiSite Solutions. He is a longtime pastor, church planter, disciple maker, former business owner, and lawyer in nationally televised trials, whose work has been profiled in People Magazine, the New York Times, ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning America, and many others. In college football, Wade was a clipboard quarterback iand is now a grateful family man.

Ralph Moore is the founding pastor of three churches. He and his wife, Ruby, currently pastor Hope Chapel Honolulu. Ralph has recently come to the forefront as one of a scant handful of Level 5 multiplying churches in America. Beginning with just 12 people, the Hope Chapel movement now numbers more than 2,300 churches worldwide. These are the offspring of the 70+ congregations launched from Ralph’s hands-on disciple-making efforts. Like his preaching, Ralph’s written words deliver solid truth in a humorous and unassuming manner. He’s the author of several books, including Let Go Of the Ring: The Hope Chapel Story, Making Disciples, How to Multiply Your Church, Starting a New Church, and Defeating Anxiety. He currently travels the globe, teaching church multiplication to pastors in startup movements, and spends his free time walking, reading and hanging out at the pool.

Jeff Christopherson has a passion to see a Kingdom-centered church-planting movement happen in North America. He has seen firsthand what can happen when a church “gives itself away” through rapid multiplication. Jeff serves as Vice President of the North American Mission Board for the Send Network. He is the author of Kingdom Matrix: Designing a Church for the Kingdom of God and Kingdom First: Starting Churches That Shape Movements. Jeff and his wife, Laura, live in Alpharetta, Georgia. They have two children.