Planting Contextualized Churches | Nick Parsons

March 2, 2017

Jeff Sorvik

We need to really understand the world in which the people we’re trying to reach live. – Nick Parsons

Misapplication of contextualization can easily prevent the Gospel from being understood, but done correctly, contextualization can tear down barriers and promote the rapid spread of the Gospel. In this training video from Exponential East 2016, veteran church planter Nick Parsons explains how to contextualize your church plant so that you will be more effective at reaching the lost.

Don’t miss Exponential East 2017, where there will be multiple workshops on planting churches and contextualization.

Key Highlights:

  • Finding the right contextual balance
  • Keys to understanding contextualization
  • Examples of significant cultural differences

Nick Parsons was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. He attended Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri where he received a BA in Biblical Literature and more importantly, met his wife Rachel. Nick and Rachel have been heavily involved in church planting in major cities around the world. The Parsons have lived in Bangkok, Los Angeles and Nagoya, Japan (as well short stops in New York and Texas) all while working directly with new church plants.