Exponential 2018 Recap of Session 3

D.A. Horton and Jossy Chacko on Disciple Multiplying

February 28, 2018


Exponential is flying by! We hope you’re learning and feeling empowered to be a hero maker. If you missed Session 3, a few highlights:

We talked about disciple multiplying—the third essential practice of being a hero maker. The practice of disciple multiplying is a shift from sharing what you’ve learned to “add” people to your attendance count to sharing what you’ve learned in ways that multiply disciples to the fourth generation. D.A. Horton dropped the mic—showing us why Jesus modeled and called us to life-on-life apprenticeship.

The world needs more people in pursuit of Jesus and being shaped by Him. – D.A. Horton

And then global ministry leader (he has a team of 7,000) Jossy Chacko took us on a journey of what being a world-changing disciple multiplier looks like.

Maturity is not measured by titles or degrees. Maturity is measured only by depth of love for the master. – Jossy Chacko

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Summary Recaps of All Five Sessions

Session 1 – Multiplication Thinking

Session 2 – Permission Giving

Session 3 – Disciple Multipying

Session 4 – Gift Activating

Session 5 – Kingdom Building

If you missed any of Exponential or want to bring the conference to your team, you can get everything on our Exponential 2018 Digital Access Pass, which includes all five main Hero Maker sessions.

And if you want to experience Hero Maker live (and bring your team), this fall we’ll be traveling to five different cities to offer regional events—including all five Hero Maker main sessions:

September 10-11 Washington, D.C.

October 2-4 Southern California

October 22-23 San Francisco Bay Area

October 24-25 Houston

November 6-7 Chicago