Best of Exponential Volume 3


Best of Exponential Volume 3


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The Best of Exponential: Volume 3 Digital Access Pass features 10+ videos from leaders like Francis Chan, Andy Stanley, Danielle Strickland, and more!

Francis Chan (2019) – Made for More: Only Jesus can fill everything in every way. A core commitment of every local church is to continually illuminate this mystery: Jesus is more. Therefore, the church is made for more. The church is chosen by Jesus to express his fullness into every corner of culture and into every sphere of society. We were made for “MORE.”

Albert Tate (2020) – Let’s Get It Together: Commit to the whole Jesus mission to GO–LOVE–TOGETHER. As we each commit to do our part to plant and multiply churches together, we will see level 5 multiplying churches result, movement occur, and the mission of Jesus accomplished. (Matthew 28, Matthew 22 & John 17)

Andy Stanley (2018) — The practice of multiplication thinking is a shift from thinking ministry happens through my own leadership to thinking ministry happens through multiplied leaders. This is a shift in thinking, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Think it!” You move from thinking that the best way to maximize ministry is through your own efforts to understanding that it is through developing the leadership of others. We see this in the life of Jesus in Acts 1:8. When Jesus casts a vision for taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, he tells his followers, “You will be my witnesses,” to explain that he is going to do it through them. Jesus didn’t think the mission was going to happen just though him during his time on this earth; he thought it would happen through others who would equip others who would equip still others. Jesus practiced multiplication thinking.

Danielle Strickland (2018)  The practice of kingdom building is a shift from counting the people who show up at my thing to counting the leaders who go out and do God’s thing. This is a shift in counting, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Count it!” You are no longer only concerned with who is showing up at your thing; you count who is doing God’s thing! Jesus told his followers in simple terms, “Seek first the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33 ESV). They heeded this admonition, and all that mattered was what God was keeping track of as the Jesus mission was being advanced around the world.

Michael Carrion (2020) – Together as a Church: Living in togetherness is always a part of following Jesus. It wasn’t optional for Jesus. It wasn’t optional for the first apostles. It wasn’t optional for the first Christians, and it’s not optional for us! The church was designed to be God’s eternal community where we experience reconciliation with Him and with others. Too many church leaders are leading churches but are not really a part of those churches. For us to fulfill the Great Collaboration we must be church leaders who live in togetherness and lead in togetherness with our churches.

Larry Osborne (2019) – Made to DO More: Just as the body has systems that work together to allow for health and reproduction, Jesus gives organizing systems to his body — the church — for fullness, for more impact, and for the mobilization of every member. We were made to work together to “DO” more.

Shaun Marshall (2018) The practice of disciple multiplying is a shift from sharing what I’ve learned to add followers to sharing what I’ve learned in ways that multiply disciples to the fourth generation. This is a shift in sharing, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Share it!” You will begin to not only share what you know to help others follow Jesus but also share your life and invest in the development of leaders who do the same for other leaders. We see this in the life of Jesus as he spent three years primarily with twelve people (John 3:22).

Ray Johnston (2018) The practice of gift activating is a shift from asking God to bless the use of my own gifts to asking God to bless leaders whom I am sending out. This is a shift in blessing, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Bless it!” You will not just ask God to bless the gifts he has given you but ask him to bless the leaders you have developed as you send them out at the end of their apprenticeship. The most obvious example of this is in Matthew 28:16-20; Jesus is turning over the leadership of the movement to his closest followers, and he tells them, in effect, “I have all authority and will use it through you as you go!”

Hosanna Wong (2019) – Made to BE More: A core commitment of the local church is to help disciples investigate their unique identity in Christ — the personal calling to a one-of-a-kind masterpiece mission for more. Every disciple is unique. They are handcrafted by God and are vessels for expressing the fullness of Jesus. We were made to “BE” more.

James Choung (2018) The practice of multiplication thinking is a shift from thinking ministry happens through my own leadership to thinking ministry happens through multiplied leaders. This is a shift in thinking, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Think it!” You move from thinking that the best way to maximize ministry is through your own efforts to understanding that it is through developing the leadership of others. We see this in the life of Jesus in Acts 1:8. When Jesus casts a vision for taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, he tells his followers, “You will be my witnesses,” to explain that he is going to do it through them. Jesus didn’t think the mission was going to happen just though him during his time on this earth; he thought it would happen through others who would equip others who would equip still others. Jesus practiced multiplication thinking.

Jeff Vanderstelt (2019) – Made to WIN More: The enemy will do everything possible to thwart God’s plan for more mobilization as described in Ephesians. But in Christ, we are called to win this battle. To do so, we much consecrate ourselves for Jesus and his mission. Individually, the enemy will attempt to hinder God’s fullness in us. Corporately, when Paul speaks of “principalities and powers,” it is another way of saying systems of oppression, influenced by the demonic. But, the good news is we are made to “WIN” this battle and are commissioned for “MORE!”

Noemi Chavez (2018) The practice of gift activating is a shift from asking God to bless the use of my own gifts to asking God to bless leaders whom I am sending out. This is a shift in blessing, and if you want a quick slogan for this practice, it’s “Bless it!” You will not just ask God to bless the gifts he has given you but ask him to bless the leaders you have developed as you send them out at the end of their apprenticeship. The most obvious example of this is in Matthew 28:16-20; Jesus is turning over the leadership of the movement to his closest followers, and he tells them, in effect, “I have all authority and will use it through you as you go!”