Beyond Level 4 Resource Kit


Beyond Level 4 Resource Kit


The Beyond Level 4 Resource Kit is designed for churches that have assessed Level 4 on the Becoming Five Assessment, but want to move towards growth and multiplication.

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The Beyond Level 4 Resource Kit is designed for churches that have assessed Level 4 on the Becoming Five Assessment, but want to move towards growth and multiplication.



Terms Suggested Workflow eBooks Core Multiplication Course Made for More Kit Videos


Use of the Resource Kit is subject to these Terms and Conditions:

  1. Resource Kit content is for personal and team use and may not be re-posted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Resource Kit on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer. Distribution limitations are similar to songs purchased on iTunes. The songs may be played for other people via the purchaser’s device, but may not be copied and further distributed to other individuals.
  2. Purchasers may NOT share their passwords for others to download content. Content may only be downloaded by the purchaser to their computer.
  3. Content will be available to download for one year after the date of purchase.
  4. Purchases are non-refundable.
  5. Content of each Speaker’s talk is their individual Copyright / Property and may not be used or distributed except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions above.

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Suggested Workflow

  1. Multipliers: Leading Beyond Addition (eBook)
  2. Made For More Visual Guide (eBook)
  3. Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level 5 Disciple Making (eBook)
  4. Beyond 4: Leading Your Church Toward Level 5 Multiplication (eBook)
  5. Made For More Resource Kit (Course)
  6. Made For More DAP – Cynt Marshall (Video)
  7. Together DAP – Oscar Muriu (Video)
  8. Core Multiplication Course (Course)
  9. The Networked Church: 7 Critical Shifts for Moving Beyond Mega and Multisite (eBook)
  10. Dream Big DAP – Wayne Cordeiro (Video)
  11. HeroMaker DAP – Léonce Crump (Video)
  12. Play Thuno: The World Changing Multiplication Game (eBook)
  13. Multiplying Disciples: What Movements Can Teach Us About Discipleship (eBook)
  14. Millennials Calling: Helping the Largest Generation Find Their Place (eBook)
  15. Mega Multi Micro: Your Church as a Multiplication Platform (eBook)
  16. Marks of a Multiplying Movement: Lessons from the Wesleyan Revival for Church Multiplication (eBook)
  17. Sifted DAP – Shawn & Tricia Lovejoy (Video)

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These books will provide easy to understand frameworks and real life examples of churches that have moved beyond Level 1.


Multipliers: Leading Beyond Addition
by Todd Wilson
Are you sensing that something’s just not right about our addiction, and possibly idolatry, to our accumulation cultures that produce cultural Christians? The new Exponential book Multipliers: Leading Beyond Additionwas written with you in mind. Multipliers combines the best of Exponential’s multiplication-focused content into one single handbook for aspiring Multipliers that are committed to seeing the Kingdom advance!

“Multipliers…embrace a scorecard that prioritizes releasing and sending over accumulating and growing. They take their cues from Jesus and seek to be fruitful and multiply,” writes Todd Wilson. “They are intentional about Jesus’ ‘go and make disciples’ command and fully embrace the leverage that comes from building capacity for disciple making through the multiplication of healthy, reproducing churches.”




Made for More Visual Guide
by Todd Wilson and Larry Walkemeyer
Exponential introduced 3 new multiplication frameworks for its 2019 theme year.  These frameworks focus on helping church leaders mobilize God’s people, God’s way. Imagine every follower of Jesus released to be everyday missionaries to their everyday mission fields where they work, live, study, and play!

The Made for More Visual Guide provides a vision and roadmap for releasing the huge latent capacity that is pent up within the people of God.

This “read in an hour,” visually engaging, resource introduces and integrates three new frameworks to help shift your ministry from a volunteer based “we can do it you can help” approach to a “you can do it, we can help” missionary focused approach.



Becoming a Disciple Maker: The Pursuit of Level 5 Disciple Making
by Bobby Harrington and Greg Weins
In this new book, Exponential’s discipleship curator and’s co-founder Bobby Harrington joins with Greg Wiens (Healthy Growing Churches) to introduce and explore the pathway to becoming a disciple maker using Exponential’s Becoming Five framework. Focusing on helping individuals identify where they are on the disciple making scale (Levels 1 – 5) and what’s needed to become a Level 5 disciple maker, Bobby and Greg champion disciple making and equip future church multipliers to move beyond the prevailing worldly success scorecards. The book is positioned as a “field guide” to help leaders compare and contrast the differences between subtraction, addition and multiplication cultures in disciple making.






Beyond 4: Leading Your Church Toward Level 5 Multiplication
by Larry Walkemeyer and Tim Hawks
This new book, Beyond 4: Leading Your Church Toward Level 5 Multiplication, is the second book in Exponential’s “Multiplication Pathways” series preceded by New to Five: Starting a Level 5 Multiplying Church by Ralph Moore and Jeff Christopherson. Both are key resources in the ongoing conversation.

This new book includes a wealth of insight for what it takes to travel the 4 to 4+ multiplication pathway. Tim and Larry vividly share their stories of climbing beyond the basecamp of Level 4 toward the summit of Level 5 multiplication. In addition to their inspiring experiences, they bring us the practical lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Both leaders have been instrumental in developing the Becoming Five framework and identifying the multiplication pathways we detailed in Dream Big, Plan Smart. Our prayer is that you’ll learn from Tim and Larry and be inspired to climb higher beyond Level 4. This new book is a great place to start!




The Networked Church: 7 Critical Shifts for Moving Beyond Mega and Multisite
by Brian Sanders
In The Networked Church, Brian Sanders, Executive Director of the UNDERGROUND, gazes into the future of American culture and describes how the Church needs to adapt to the changes that are beginning to take place. Rather than the large consumer-focused entity many churches have developed into, we will need to shift to being agile, creation-oriented networks that unleash the potential every believer is desiring to live out.

7 Critical Shifts

SHIFT 1: From static to adaptive systems
SHIFT 2: From boastful to modest superstructures
SHIFT 3: From consumer to creator focused
SHIFT 4: From an ambiguous to a simple definition of church
SHIFT 5: From a few to all called into mission
SHIFT 6: From control to servanthood leadership
SHIFT 7: From scarcity to abundance in mission

Play Thuno: The World Changing Multiplication Game
by Larry Walkemeyer
What if every church took seriously the biblical call to multiply? How would that change our churches, communities, cities and world? In this new resource, church planting leader Larry Walkemeyer asks these questions and delivers inspiring stories as well as practical insight to give us tangible expressions of churches, including his own, that have purposed to multiply.

Play Thuno (derived from the Greek work plēthynō for “multiply”) serves as an excellent follow-up resource to the Exponential book Becoming a Level 5 Multiplying Church Field Guide by Todd Wilson and Dave Ferguson. Walkemeyer offers engaging narrative that moves multiplication from concept to eternity-altering reality. He also gets uber practical, highlighting principles for multiplication, 21 leadership essentials for multiplication and even deceptions that often derail our efforts to reproduce. Most significant, however, is Walkemeyer’s thorough exploration of Scripture to discover why churches should multiply. This “study” permeates the pages of Play Thuno, consistently bringing us back to God’s call both on our lives and our churches.




Multiplying Disciples: What Movements Can Teach Us About Discipleship
by Winfield Bevins
There have been over two thousand years of church history and disciple-making multiplication.  Multiplying Disciples seeks to draw wisdom from the well of church history by looking at several important disciple-making movements: The Celtic Movement, The Moravian Movement, and the Methodist Movement. Each one of these movements offer vital contributions to the church and when discovered, they can rediscover the power of working together for the great commission to make and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ for the 21st century.






Millennials Calling: Helping the Largest Generation Find Their Place
by Paul Sohn and Derek Bell
The Millennial Generation is soon to be the largest living generation.  Imagine the impact this generation can have when they understand their unique calling and their joint role in taking Jesus into every nook and cranny of society. Paul Sohn, a Millennial leader and founder of QARA, and Derek Bell, Executive Director of the new Made For More ministry, present leaders with five ideas for walking with Millennials as they discover and engage their unique calling.

            1. Building a foundation of discipleship.
            2. Understanding the largest living generation.
            3. Finding the connection from Sunday to Monday.
            4. Helping Millennials understand whose they are.
            5. Discovering 3 powerful coaching ideas.

Millennials Calling will leave you inspired and equipped with new ideas to employ as you walk alongside of Millennials.


Mega Multi Micro: Your Church as a Multiplication Platform
by Ralph Moore with Todd Wilson
What would it take for you to be part of God’s work in bringing a million people to faith in Jesus Christ? Ralph Moore believes that every church pastor could make one simple paradigm shift that would drive their legacy from thousands of disciples to at least hundreds of thousands, if not millions—essentially fulfilling the Great Commission.

In this book, Moore teaches you how to widen the pathway into pastoral ministry. As he says, the Lord may have already answered your prayer for more labor for the harvest. Using his personal experience of leading a multiplication movement 2,300+ churches strong and drawing from historic and modern-day models, Moore takes you on a journey to discover how a local church can produce a movement of reproducing churches and shows you how Kingdom expansion starts with a micro approach. Mega Multi Micro is a field manual for those who want to take things to the next level of multiplication.




Marks of a Multiplying Movement: Lessons from the Wesleyan Revival for Church Multiplication
by Winfield Bevins
What would a multiplication movement look like in the West? There is no better example of church multiplication than the Wesleyan revival, which grew exponentially in the early years. The movement started with only a handful of people in the 1700s and grew into a movement that reached thousands of people and established hundreds of societies in England and the United States. From 1850 to 1905, American Methodism averaged planting more than seven hundred churches per year. Do the math!

In this eBook, Winfield Bevins identifies the principles that propelled the Methodist movement and are present in other church multiplication movements. As Bevins says, “the mark of a true leader is their ability to prepare their organization to outlast themselves,” so we should take notes from John Wesley whose influence lives well beyond his own life.






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Core Multiplication Course

Originally designed exclusively for Exponential’s Multipliers Learning Communities, this course introduces key multiplication frameworks.

Free Registration:

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Made for More Kit

The Made for More Resource Kit is designed to help transform your thinking and refocus you on mobilization strategies. It focuses on the following 6 shifts based on the book of Ephesians. Invest in your team, multiply their impact, and change the direction of your ministry.

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Videos are specially curated out of Exponential’s extensive library of digital access passes.


Made for More (2019)

  • Made to Go More – Cynthia Marshall

2020 DIgital Access Pass

Together (2020)

  • Together Not Like You – Oscar Muriu

Dream Big (2017)

  • Big Dreams Change Our Prayers – Wayne Cordeiro

Hero Maker (2018)

  • Leading as a Gift Activator – Léonce Crump

Sifted (2012)

  • Relationships – Shawn & Tricia Lovejoy

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