Digital Access Pass 2014


Digital Access Pass 2014


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Digital Access Pass 2014

DAP Exponential East & West 2014 videos are available now.

Videos are organized by the 5 sub-themes at Exponential 2014 and include talks and creative elements from all 10 main sessions. There are 5 tabs below titled “Evangelism, Witness, Outreach, Preaching, Commission”. Click on the tabs to see the videos available for each Shift. Now you can bring the main stage experience home to your spouse, team and church.

Click on the link for the applicable video to download it to your computer. Videos can take several minutes to download depending on your internet speed. Use any video player that works with mp4 files to watch the videos. Quicktime for Windows and Mac is recommended. Click here to download Quicktime for free. Recent versions of Windows Media Player also plays mp4 files.

NOTE: We’ve tried to keep the video files as small as possible to minimize download time and storage requirements on your computer. Feel free to contact us if you feel any of the videos need to be provided in higher resolution. Click here to provide feedback.



Terms Resolution Evangelism Outreach Witness Preaching Commission


Use of the Digital Access Pass is subject to these terms and conditions:

1. Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individuals computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer. Distribution limitations are similar to songs purchased on iTunes. The songs may be played for other people via the purchaser’s device, but may not be copied and further distributed to other individuals.

2. Purchasers may NOT share their passwords for others to download content. Content may only be downloaded by the purchaser to their computer.

3. Content will be available to download for one year after the date of purchase.

4. Purchases are non-refundable.

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Video Resolutions and Formats

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. High resolution files are available upon request but most are larger than 1GB in size and will take far longer to download. We recommend using the normal resolution files for most uses unless you have a unique need that demands the higher resolution files. For example, if you do a church wide conference where you need to project the video onto a very large screen, you may need the higher resolution files. For 99.9% of uses, the normal resolution will be adequate and will save you time and bandwidth in downloading.

Files are in mp4 format. These files work on Quicktime and Windows Media Player as well as most other players. Quicktime for Windows and Mac is recommended. Click here to download Quicktime for free. Windows Media Player on PCs also plays mp4 files. Click here to download Windows Media Player for free.

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Shift 1 – Rethinking Evangelism

Evangelism and discipleship are inseparable. As leaders, we have a key role to help people see that evangelism is an integral part of discipleship. Scripture shows us that as we apprentice people in the ways of Jesus, we will make disciples who will make disciples who will make disciples. A strong discipleship culture in our church naturally produces evangelism.

Session 1

Vince Antonucci
Nicky Gumbel
Dave Gibbons

Beau Crosetto
Dave Gibbons
Efrem Smith

Session 2

Ed Stetzer
John Teter
Louie Giglio

Ed Stetzer (video)
John Teter
Jeff Vanderstelt

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. High resolution files are available upon request but most are larger than 1GB in size and will take far longer to download. We recommend using the normal resolution files for most uses unless you have a unique need that demands the higher resolution files. For example, if you do a church wide conference where you need to project the video onto a very large screen, you may need the higher resolution files. For 99.9% of uses, the normal resolution will be adequate and will save you time and bandwidth in downloading.

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Shift 2 – Rethinking Outreach

Possibly the greatest approach to outreach we have is the “fellowship of believers” in Acts 2:42. The early church lived with everything in common, so much so that outsiders were drawn to become insiders. Like Paul tells the church of Corinth, we are to be the aroma of Christ to the world. To be effective evangelists today, we have to rethink how we function as a family of believers and challenge our churches to do evangelism as a community through both word and deed.

Session 3

Jim Burgen
Choco De Jesus

Francis Chan
Kim Hammond

Session 4

Larry Osborne
Alan Hirsch
Damian Boyd

Sergio De La Mora
Alan Hirsch
Jodi Hickerson


Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. High resolution files are available upon request but most are larger than 1GB in size and will take far longer to download. We recommend using the normal resolution files for most uses unless you have a unique need that demands the higher resolution files. For example, if you do a church wide conference where you need to project the video onto a very large screen, you may need the higher resolution files. For 99.9% of uses, the normal resolution will be adequate and will save you time and bandwidth in downloading.

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Rethinking Witness

Everyone has a story that intersects with Jesus’ story-whether or not they realize (or acknowledge) it. While some of us have the gift of evangelism, all of us are called to be witnesses to the transformation Jesus has made in us.As church leaders, we have to rethink witness, equipping people to listen to others and share their God story versus a series of “canned” propositional truths. When people are equipped to genuinely engage in spiritual conversations and share their story, all people can become witnesses for the Good News.

Session 5

Michael Frost
Hugh Halter
Danielle Strickland

Danielle Strickland
Hugh Halter
Cynthia Marshall

Session 6

Craig Groeschel
Jeanne Stevens
Greg Nettle

K.P. Yohannan
Noemi Chavez
Greg Nettle

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. High resolution files are available upon request but most are larger than 1GB in size and will take far longer to download. We recommend using the normal resolution files for most uses unless you have a unique need that demands the higher resolution files. For example, if you do a church wide conference where you need to project the video onto a very large screen, you may need the higher resolution files. For 99.9% of uses, the normal resolution will be adequate and will save you time and bandwidth in downloading.

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Rethinking Preaching

In almost every context outside of the church, preaching is equated with bad news. Those far from God do not want to be “preached at” or talked down to. As church leaders, we know preaching is important to Jesus’ core mission. It’s one way we declare the good news of the gospel. Rather than pitting Jesus against society, we must learn to offer Him as an attractive hope for the answers society is skeptically looking for. Rethinking preaching in ways that ultimately lead to a new perception of preaching as good news to those who don’t yet know Him is crucial to effective evangelism.

Session 7

James Meeks
Andy Stanley
Tim Keller
Matt Chandler

Tim Keller (video)
Dave Ferguson
Larry Osborne
James Meeks
Matt Carter

Session 8

East & West
Tim Keller
Interview with James Meeks, Matt Chandler, and Andy Stanley by Dave Ferguson

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. High resolution files are available upon request but most are larger than 1GB in size and will take far longer to download. We recommend using the normal resolution files for most uses unless you have a unique need that demands the higher resolution files. For example, if you do a church wide conference where you need to project the video onto a very large screen, you may need the higher resolution files. For 99.9% of uses, the normal resolution will be adequate and will save you time and bandwidth in downloading.

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Rethinking Commission

Every church leader struggles with balancing the tension between building community and family within the church (and a strong staff team), while also releasing and sending people to start new faith communities. In making disciples who are becoming more like Jesus, we have to intentionally create a culture of “next steps.” And part of these next steps is the sending and releasing of leaders to multiply and reproduce faith communities. As leaders, it’s vital we learn to celebrate next steps and reproduction. Rethinking the Great Commission equips us to define and articulate what it means to multiply disciples and move toward accelerating movements in and through their church.

Session 9

Interview with Greg Nettle (Stadia), Greg Surratt (ARC), Matt Chandler (Acts 29), and Dave Ferguson (New Thing) by Dave Travis

Bruce Wesley
Joe Champion
Dave Ferguson
Greg Nettle

Session 10

Oscar Muriu
Dave Ferguson
Bill Hybels

Oscar Muriu
Dave Ferguson
Rick Warren

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page. High resolution files are available upon request but most are larger than 1GB in size and will take far longer to download. We recommend using the normal resolution files for most uses unless you have a unique need that demands the higher resolution files. For example, if you do a church wide conference where you need to project the video onto a very large screen, you may need the higher resolution files. For 99.9% of uses, the normal resolution will be adequate and will save you time and bandwidth in downloading.

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