Digital Access Pass 2016


Digital Access Pass 2016


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Digital Access Pass 2016

Do you want to experience the main stage sessions from all four 2016 Exponential Conferences in one package? Join Dave Ferguson, Ed Stetzer, JD Greear, Matt Chandler, Mark Batterson, Ralph Moore, Erwin McManus, Dave Gibbons, Michael Frost, Efrem Smith, Ryan Kwon and many others as they press into what it means to be a Level 5 Multiplying Church.

This Becoming Five theme is a manifesto of sorts that we believe will help us define a practical vocabulary and framework that courageous leaders like you can rally behind and grab onto as you seek to close the gap between your aspirations for multiplication and the strong tensions that constrain you to addition-growth thinking. To read more about this theme, you can download the free eBook, Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church (2016).



Terms Multiplication Levels Tension of Motives Tension of Measurement Tension of Methods Moment


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Multiplication Levels

The opening session will set the stage for the week’s conversation and introduce the 5 levels of multiplication addressed in the theme book Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church. Leaders will be challenged with: “What level of multiplication is your church experiencing (reality check), and where do you honestly want to go (aspirational dream)? Are you ready to take on the challenge of being a level four or a level five multiplying church?” This session will issue the challenge that to fulfill the Great Commission, we need churches committed to the journey of answering the question: What will it take for us to move from Level Three, to Four, to Five?

NOTE: Please see the “Terms” tab for allowable uses of these videos. In summary, Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer.

Session 1

Dave Ferguson
Ed Stetzer
Erwin Raphael McManus

Dave Ferguson
Ed Stetzer
Erwin Raphael McManus

Regional – DC
Dave Ferguson
Dave Gibbons

Regional – Chicago
Dave Ferguson
Efrem Smith

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Tension of Motives

In this session, we’ll turn our attention from assessing our current reality to the specific tensions of multiplication that leaders face. The Tension of Motives deals with vision and values and is best answered in the pre-launch phase by deciding, “is the plan for this new church to focus on HERE (this church) vs THERE (the next church)?” If leaders are serious about being a reproducing, multiplying and movement-making church, then the church they lead will start here but will need to go there. All leaders live in the tension between being here and there, with almost everything pulling them toward here. Having as many (or more) “growing there” strategies compared with “growing here” strategies is essential in giving us momentum towards Level Five. Movement-making churches (5’s) focus on there.

NOTE: Please see the “Terms” tab for allowable uses of these videos. In summary, Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer.

Session 2

Dave Dummitt
Ryan Kwon
Andy Hawthorne

Dave Dummitt
Ryan Kwon
Andy Hawthorne

Regional – DC
Brett Andrews
Ryan Kwon

Regional – Chicago
Dave Dummitt
Jon Ferguson

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Tension of Measurement

Once you resolve the tension of motives (Session 2), you will continually face the tension of measurement: Will you be only about growing your church or will you also be about sending? Tension of Measurement deals less with “what do we want to do?” and more with “what are we doing?” This is an ongoing struggle for the life of a church between GROWING vs SENDING. Level 5 churches are focused on sending as much as growing. We will never see a level 5 movement-making church in the United States until we are as passionate about sending as we are growing.

NOTE: Please see the “Terms” tab for allowable uses of these videos. In summary, Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer.

Session 3

Dave Ferguson
J.D. Greear
Ralph Moore

J.D. Greear
Rick Warren

Regional – DC
Josh Burnett
Mark Batterson

Regional – Chicago
David Garrison
Jason Webb

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Tension of Methods

In this session, we’ll explore three specific multiplication tensions that center on actual execution and the difficult decisions leaders will have to address and resolve: Security vs. uncertainty; Finances; and Relaxing vs. risk taking.

NOTE: Please see the “Terms” tab for allowable uses of these videos. In summary, Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer.

Session 4

Cynt Marshall
Albert Tate
Mark Batterson

Cynt Marshall
Albert Tate
Ralph Moore

Regional – DC
Lon Solomon

Regional – Chicago
Albert Tate
Jodi Hickerson

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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Session 5 will pull together everything we’ve been learning, leading us back to what we need to do to be a multiplying church and start movements. The session will end with the commissioning of leaders and reinforce that though tensions are an ever present part of multiplication for every leader who battles these tensions, we have an ever-present Savior who has said that the gates of Hell will not prevail against His church. We’ll look closely at what it means to have an ever-present Savior in the midst of tension.

NOTE: Please see the “Terms” tab for allowable uses of these videos. In summary, Digital Access Pass content is for personal and team use and may not be reposted, modified or sold without permission of Exponential. The purchase entitles you to use the Digital Access Pass on one individual’s computer or mobile device. That person may show and use the material to train team members but may not further distribute the content beyond the individual purchaser’s computer.

Session 5

Dave Ferguson
Brian Houston
Michael Frost
Matt Chandler

Dave Gibbons
Matt Chandler

Regional – DC
Bruce Wesley
Joby Martin

Regional – Chicago
Ed Stetzer
Joby Martin

Videos are being made available in normal resolution similar to what is on YouTube. The normal resolution files are adequate for most uses and are included on this page.

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