Digital Access Pass Best of Exponential Volume 1


Digital Access Pass Best of Exponential Volume 1


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The Best of Exponential Digital Access Pass features 30+ videos from leaders like Louie Giglio, Tim Keller, & Bill Hybels.

Each session included a short TED-style talk by one of the leaders, from different Exponential Conferences. Sessions can be watched in any order.

J.D. Greear (2016) – Will you be only about growing your church or will you also be about sending? Tension of Measurement deals less with “what do we want to do?” and more with “what are we doing?” This is an ongoing struggle for the life of a church between GROWING vs SENDING. Level 5 churches are focused on sending as much as growing.

Danielle Strickland (2017) – Big dreams change us and change the world! When we make a commitment to the big dream of a Level 5 multiplying church it will profoundly change us! We cannot wait for change and expect a movement of multiplication. First must come the commitment to the big dream of a multiplying church and then we will be changed!

Matt Chandler (2014) – In this main session from Exponential East 2014, Matt Chandler explains the primary purpose of preaching sermons. He shows how Jesus used parables to deconstruct and reconstruct the multiple worldviews of his audience simultaneously. The reconstruction frames their new worldview in the context of the Gospel which, according to Chandler, is both more beautiful and more frightening than the audiences’ previous worldviews.

Dave Ferguson (2015) – Dave Ferguson, President of Exponential, explains that there are five levels of churches: declining, plateaued, growing, reproducing, and multiplying. While research has shown there to be no level five multiplying churches in the United States, Ferguson believes that every church has the potential to become a level five and he gives specific steps that everyone can take to multiply.

Cynthia Marshall (2014) – In this main stage session from Exponential West 2014, Cynt Marshall explains how your story is the most effective way for you to witness to others. Throughout her life, God has come through in remarkable ways, and she has been able to share her story with countless people. Marshall explains that everyone is anointed by God to testify to His goodness and redemptive qualities, and gives four practical ways to rethink the way we witness to others.

Craig Groeschel (2013) – In this session from Exponential East 2013, Craig Groeschel shares three obstacles to following Jesus from his personal experience. These are obstacles that tend to creep into a pastor’s life, which eventually destroy their joy and effectiveness. Groeschel stresses that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit rather than the people because “people are too big and our God is too small.”

Alan Hirsch (2014) – In this video from Exponential West 2014, Dr. Alan Hirsch talks about the relationship between Evangelism and Discipleship, based off of his free Exponential eBook Disciplism. He explains that the church growth movement is indicative of the perception that Jesus has commanded us to evangelize all people. Hirsch realigns this perception by explaining that the Great Commission is primarily a discipleship text, and that evangelism is intimately intertwined with discipleship. Drawing on other New Testament examples, he re-frames evangelism in the context of discipleship so that, as we disciple the nations, we must necessarily evangelize them. Hirsch does not limit discipleship to a post-evangelistic experience, but incorporates both discipleship and evangelism before and after the conversion of a person.

James Meeks (2014) – In this session from Exponential 2014, James Meeks gives a very straightforward explanation of how to mobilize your congregation for the work of God. Meeks shares how his concept of “preaching the announcements” has placed Salem Baptist Church in the forefront when it comes to getting results. He explains that the undivided attention given to a pastor during their sermon is a valuable tool for aligning a congregation’s actions and values with Jesus’ and encouraging them to engage and serve their community.

Louie Giglio (2017) – People are inspired by and want to be a part of big dreams. We know that leaders reproduce who they are, and when we embrace the big dream of a Level 5 multiplying church it will not only change us, but also change our people and the churches they lead for generations to come.

Max Lucado (2015) – In this main session from Exponential East 2015, Max Lucado speaks on the power and necessity of prayer. He teaches that we need to lean on God’s love for us and give to him our concerns and our burdens. Whatever we are running out of, whatever challenges we are facing, whatever burdens we are weighted down by, our response must be to give them over to God. Our ministries are not dependent upon our own skill, but upon God’s power. Lucado explains that we often loose sight of the power of prayer when faced with challenges in ministry and look to ourselves to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. Our first response however, should be to hand these things to God. Lucado goes further to point out that the power of our prayers are not dependent upon our circumstances but upon the One who hears them.

Dave Gibbons (2014) – In this session from Exponential West 2014, Dave Gibbons helps us rethink evangelism in terms of discipleship. He explains that we often approach evangelism as a formula, a program, or even a bait and switch. Gibbons proposes that evangelism is actually about discipleship—about engaging people relationally by loving them. The love and joy that Jesus gives us is magnetizing and people will actually desire the parts of your life that sets you apart. Further, rather than trying to love masses of people (and not doing any of it well), we are called to love the one, to think smaller—seeing God in every opportunity.

Tim Keller (2014) – In this session from Exponential East 2014, Tim Keller helps shed light on how to preach evangelistically to non-Christians. He explains that most non-Christians don’t see the Gospel as relevant and need to be shown how it applies to life. In order to do this, Keller gives four skills and practices that can help you engage non-Christians regularly in your preaching.

Oscar Muriu (2014) – In this main session from Exponential West 2014, Oscar Muriu helps us to understand the plan that God has for our lives, and how to be obedient to it. Rather than seeing God’s plan as something for us, Muriu reframes its purpose as something that we have the option to participate in for the glory of God. In fact, Christ’s love compels us to give up our lives for his mission so that we are completely his to direct, devoid of our own plans. Muriu challenges us to consider, “are the things that you are living for worth Christ dying for?”

Jeff Vanderstelt (2013) – In this session from Exponential East 2013, Jeff Vanderstelt talks about how to help people see the how Gospel applies to everything in their lives. He explains that the norm is for people to see the Church as a building, and when that is the case, discipleship only happens in the context of a church—they won’t go out into their city and live as a disciple in their entire life. Another norm is for people to view evangelism and discipleship as mutually exclusive, but Vanderstelt explains that the Gospel is relevant in all of our life. At the end of the day, he says, if someone can’t do evangelism, then he or she also can’t do discipleship properly.

Bill Hybels (2014) – In this main session from Exponential East 2014, Bill Hybels examines the motivations behind church planting. He explains that too often, church planters start churches either because it is a trendy thing to do or because it is a shortcut to circumvent leadership development. Rather than seeking God and the wisdom of other leaders, church planters may plant without a calling to do so and before they are truly prepared.

(2015) – Instead of telling me what you are about, SHOW me. Culture is created when you determine your core values, find a way to make those core values part of your everyday dialogue, but most importantly when you support those values with your BEHAVIOR. People need to see us living out what we say is important. People need simple steps of action that let their stories become part of the church’s story. A strongly aligned culture will naturally move people from hearing what is important to becoming active participants.

Dave Ferguson (2014) – Every church leader struggles with balancing the tension between building community and family within the church (and a strong staff team), while also releasing and sending people to start new faith communities. In making disciples who are becoming more like Jesus, we have to intentionally create a culture of “next steps.” And part of these next steps is the sending and releasing of leaders to multiply and reproduce faith communities. As leaders, it’s vital we learn to celebrate next steps and reproduction. Rethinking the Great Commission equips us to define and articulate what it means to multiply disciples and move toward accelerating movements in and through their church.

Francis Chan (2017) – Big dreams change us and change the world! When we make a commitment to the big dream of a Level 5 multiplying church it will profoundly change us! We cannot wait for change and expect a movement of multiplication. First must come the commitment to the big dream of a multiplying church and then we will be changed!

Jim Putman (2013) – DiscipleShift occurs when church leaders move away from only reaching people and toward relational disciple making that apprentices people in the ways of Jesus.

Bob Roberts (2015) – Instead of telling me what you are about, SHOW me. Culture is created when you determine your core values, find a way to make those core values part of your everyday dialogue, but most importantly when you support those values with your BEHAVIOR. People need to see us living out what we say is important. People need simple steps of action that let their stories become part of the church’s story. A strongly aligned culture will naturally move people from hearing what is important to becoming active participants.

Wayne Cordeiro (2017) – Big dreams make us more dependent on God and drive us to our knees. If you don’t have a dream that causes you to be dependent on God, then you need to get a bigger dream! A movement-making church is not possible on our own. When we embrace Jesus’ big dream of Level 5 multiplying church we will quickly come to the realization that it will only happen through the power of God. This realization will drive us to our knees asking God to accomplish through us what only he can do; knowing we can not do this on our own.

Michael Frost (2015) – Our VALUES are at the core of defining the type of culture we create. Values are not simply what we say are important. Values create a burden in our souls that compel us to action. Our values shape and influence what we do and how we do it. To ignite a culture of multiplication we must first start with deeply held convictions about multiplication.

Efrem Smith (2014) – Evangelism and discipleship are inseparable. As leaders, we have a key role to help people see that evangelism is an integral part of discipleship. Scripture shows us that as we apprentice people in the ways of Jesus, we will make disciples who will make disciples who will make disciples. A strong discipleship culture in our church naturally produces evangelism.

Rick Warren, Robert Coleman and Ray Chang (2013) – DiscipleShift occurs when church leaders move away from only reaching people and toward relational disciple making that apprentices people in the ways of Jesus.

Bill Hybels and family (2012) – The “sifting” process not only impacts us but also the relationships that we value the most: our family and friends. It is during those times that we must be devoted to our commitments and the hard work of reconciliation not only for the good of our own relationships but also knowing that how we respond will be reproduced by others in their relationships.

Dave Ferguson (2013) – DiscipleShift occurs when leaders shift their focus from drawing in masses of people to leading churches who send equipped Christ followers to the masses. Our scorecards must change from simply counting the number of people we attract to counting the number of people we deploy.

Erwin McManus (2016) – The opening session from Exponential East 2016 introduces the 5 levels of multiplication addressed in the theme book Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church. This session will issue the challenge that to fulfill the Great Commission, we need churches committed to the journey of answering the question: What will it take for us to move from Level Three, to Four, to Five?

Mark Batterson (2016) – In this session, Mark explores three specific multiplication tensions that center on actual execution and the difficult decisions leaders will have to address and resolve: Security vs. uncertainty; Finances; and Relaxing vs. risk taking.

John Ortberg (2017) – Jesus lays out his big dream for the church in Acts 1:8 with the challenge to go to “… Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, ends of the earth …” Jesus’ big dream was for his church to be a Level 5 multiplying church. As followers of Jesus and leaders of his church we are to fulfill Jesus’ vision of a church that strives to be 5!

James MacDonald (2017) – People are inspired by and want to be a part of big dreams. We know that leaders reproduce who they are, and when we embrace the big dream of a Level 5 multiplying church it will not only change us, but also change our people and the churches they lead for generations to come.

Ed Stetzer (2016) – In this session for Exponential’s 2016 Chicago Regional conference, Ed Stetzer challenges us to lead level 5 multiplying churches.