Dream Big Questions


Is biblical disciple making the core that drives what you do as a church and how you do everything you do?

Do you see each Christ follower as a potential pastor or missionary waiting to be birthed?

What holds you back from embracing risk for the sake of multiplication?

Are you prioritizing decisions you make as a church based on what’s best for Kingdom growth—even if it’s not best for your church?

Sometimes asking questions leads us to greater things than just the answers. In the asking, we learn more deeply who we are—what drives us and keeps us going, what scares us, etc. The new Dream Big Questions—a supplemental workbook to Dream Big, Plan Smart—offers hundreds of relevant questions that help you and your team dream big for Kingdom multiplication and take steps to move forward.

Designed to be used in tandem with the book, Dream Big Questions helps you put the principles of Dream Big, Plan Smart into action by equipping you to initiate and facilitate potentially difficult conversations with your team. Whether your church in the beginning stages of the multiplication conversation or wrestling with the inevitable internal and external tensions, Dream Big Questions prepares you and your team to get at the heart of what it takes to pursue multiplication.

One of the biggest barriers to a new future in multiplication is our failure to identify and honestly assess our current context. We embrace the past without asking questions to challenge the status quo. The questions in this workbook are intended to help you gain perspective on your past and current context and then make strategic decisions toward further clarity.

In addition to Reflection and Perspective questions, Dream Big Questions includes practical team application exercises throughout, as well as an assessment exercise based on the 10 characteristics of Level 5 multiplying churches. If you’re currently reading or have read Dream Big, Plan Smart, this workbook is the next step for aligning your team with God’s vision for multiplication.

Other FREE Dream Big Supplemental Resources:

Dream Big Workbook by vision strategist Will Mancini and Exponential co-founder Todd Wilson, co-authors of Dream Big, Plan Smart. This workbook follows the same outline as Dream Big, Plan Smart and uses the vision clarity process from Mancini’s latest book, God Dreams. Essentially, Exponential wants to help your team stop talking about and desiring multiplication and actually start developing a vision and strategy for it.

Dream Big Online Course. This course is designed to help you and your church identify, select and move forward on your Pathway toward multiplication.

Todd Wilson
Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd was a co-founder and founding CEO of Exponential, which organizes and hosts the annual Exponential Global conference in Orlando and live events throughout the United States and world. Todd lives in Durham, NC, with his wife, Anna. They have two sons and two daughters-in-law: Ben & Therese and Chris & Mariah, and two amazing grandsons.
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Bill Couchenour
Bill has a fervent desire to see gospel saturation locally, regionally, and throughout the US. He has served churches across the country for over 30 years. As Development Director at Exponential, he provides strategic and operational oversight of Exponential’s R&D and expanding educational opportunities. He facilitates the Exponential Learning Communities that have included Future Travelers and Radical Multisite and, currently, Multipliers: Leading Beyond Addition. He also serves network and denominational leaders of church planting movements with the Exponential resources. Bill also serves as a governing elder and board member at the Underground Network, a network of micro-churches around the world that is based in Tampa, Florida. He has also served in leadership for several other organizations including Youth for Christ, Heartland Christian School, and BeTheChangeProject, and cofounded the Cornerstone Knowledge Network. Bill is married to Pam, and they have five adult children and three grandchildren. He received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Youngstown State University and an MBA from The University of Tampa.
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