Healthy Rhythms for Leaders


Thrive with Healthy Rhythms

We are living in challenging and uncertain times in which leaders need support and encouragement to help them learn to navigate the world we are in. Leaders too often focus on external things to the neglect of their own souls.

Authors Winfield Bevins and Mark Dunwoody wrote Healthy Rhythms for Leaders primarily to help Christian leaders care for their souls in today’s chaotic and uncertain world. Their goal is to promote healthy rhythms to help leaders connect spiritual and missional practices.

Go deeper in your personal walk with Christ with personal rhythms by creating an “Ebb and Flow” Rule of Life. Then, break through current team challenges with “Missional Design Thinking,” a process that carries the power to transform your effectiveness as a leader. Walk away with these personal and leadership rhythm tools, but also learn how to share these practices and principles with the churches and organizations you serve.

“This book contains timely words for an unusual time that can become timeless.”
Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary

“A fresh, inclusive approach to the contemplative journey.”
Barbara L. Peacock, Author Soul Care in African American Practice

“Reading these words renewed both my missional imagination and my commitment to stay refreshed with Christ.”
Trevor Hudson, Pastor and Author, South Africa

Winfield Bevins
Winfield Bevins is the Director of Church Planting at Asbury Theological Seminary. He has trained leaders from around the world and frequently speaks at conferences, churches, and seminaries on a variety of topics. He is the author of several books including Marks of a Movement and Healthy Rhythms for Leaders. He is the co-founder of Missional Formation Coaching, which is designed to help leaders thrive by promoting healthy rhythms that connect spiritual and missional practices. You can connect with him at and on twitter @winfieldbevins.
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Mark Dunwoody
Dr. Mark Dunwoody is co-founder of Missional Formation Coaching and has more than three decades of international experience as an entrepreneur and consultant to non-profits and faith communities. Originally from Belfast, Ireland, Mark has lived in five countries and is well known, internationally, in the missional conversation as a writer, trainer, speaker, strategist and coach. You can connect with him at and on twitter @markdunwoody1.
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