Mega Multi Micro


What would it take for you to be part of God’s work in bringing a million people to faith in Jesus Christ? Ralph Moore believes that every church pastor could make one simple paradigm shift that would drive their legacy from thousands of disciples to at least hundreds of thousands, if not millions—essentially fulfilling the Great Commission.

In this book, Moore teaches you how to widen the pathway into pastoral ministry. As he says, the Lord may have already answered your prayer for more labor for the harvest. Using his personal experience of leading a multiplication movement 2,300+ churches strong and drawing from historic and modern-day models, Moore takes you on a journey to discover how a local church can produce a movement of reproducing churches and shows you how Kingdom expansion starts with a micro approach. Mega Multi Micro is a field manual for those who want to take things to the next level of multiplication.


  • How to know if you’re leading a Level 5 multiplication church or on your way to one
  • 4 drivers of rapid multiplication
  • 5 benefits of multiplication
  • Real-life examples of multiplying churches and leaders, both past and present
  • Practical insight for getting started, including navigating inevitable tensions
  • How to determine if you’re cut out for leading a micro-church multiplication movement
  • 3 personal moves toward a new wineskin
  • 5 tangible steps toward multiplication
Ralph Moore
Ralph Moore is the founding pastor of three churches which grew into the Hope Chapel movement now numbering more than 2,300 churches worldwide. These are the offspring of the 70+ congregations launched from Ralph’s hands-on disciplemaking efforts. He currently serves as “church multiplication catalyzer” for Exponential. In addition to this, he travels the globe, teaching church multiplication to pastors in startup movements. He has authored several books, including Making DisciplesHow to Multiply Your ChurchStarting a New Church, Defeating Anxiety, and Let Go of the Ring: The Hope Chapel Story. Catch his blog at
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Todd Wilson
Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd was a co-founder and founding CEO of Exponential, which organizes and hosts the annual Exponential Global conference in Orlando and live events throughout the United States and world. Todd lives in Durham, NC, with his wife, Anna. They have two sons and two daughters-in-law: Ben & Therese and Chris & Mariah, and two amazing grandsons.
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