Multiplication: 2023 Orlando Workshops Resource Kit


Multiplication: 2023 Orlando Workshops Resource Kit


Multiplication is for everyone. Leaders from ministries of all shapes and sizes share how they’ve experienced radical multiplication and how you can too.

Included in this Multiplication Resource Kit, you will find audio recordings from Exponential Orlando 2023 workshops. You will hear from thought leaders and practitioners on relevant church multiplication issues and topics that you can apply to your life and leadership.

SKU: KIT-2023ORLWS-MLT Category: Tags: ,

Multiplication is for everyone. Leaders from ministries of all shapes and sizes share how they’ve experienced radical multiplication and how you can too.

Included in this Multiplication Resource Kit, you will find audio recordings from Exponential Orlando 2023 workshops. You will hear from thought leaders and practitioners on relevant church multiplication issues and topics that you can apply to your life and leadership.

You will find equipping and conversations from workshop sub-tracks on:

  • Multipliers Journey
  • Multiplication Operating System
  • Multiplication: Focus on APEST
  • Reproducing Disciples, Leaders, Churches, and Networks
  • General Multiplication

We are honored to hear from 40+ church multiplication leaders in 25+ plus hours of content. Leaders in this resource kit include Alan Hirsch, Doug Paul, Jim Randall, Peyton Jones, Mac Lake, Steve Stroope, Ed Love, Joshua Chavez, Larry Walkemeyer, Obe Arellano, Rodrigo Cano, Sara Jackaway, and more.

Session titles include:

  • Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church
  • The Case for a New Church Operating System
  • Unlocking the Fullness of Christ: Developing a Jesus-Shaped Church
  • The Empowerment Factor – Building Your Personal Multiplication Capacity
  • The Bottlenecks to Multiplication Movements
  • How Church Planting Launch Strategies Must Change (or Die)
  • Can a Denomination Become a Multiplication Movement Again?

Exponential’s mission is to see a tipping point of churches in the U.S. become reproducing and multiplying churches by inspiring, equipping, and mobilizing Multipliers. Each year, Exponential has the honor 100+ denominations and networks with diverse approaches to the Jesus mission. We are a ministry who curates a variety of ideas to accelerate multiplication from different evangelical points of view. As a large and diverse community with a common cause, we prioritize unity for the mission of Jesus and convene a spectrum of thoughts to equip you through practical ministry ideas and strategies for today and what’s next.