Multiplication Resource Kit
Multiplication Resource Kit
The Multiplication Resource Kit is designed to help you move from ideas to impact in terms of reproducing and multiplying healthy faith communities. For over a decade, Exponential has connected practitioners to thought leaders and this kit is a compilation of the best training resources to equip you to take your current capacity for multiplication to the next level.
The Multiplication Resource Kit is designed to help you move from ideas to impact in terms of reproducing and multiplying healthy faith communities. For over a decade, Exponential has connected practitioners to thought leaders and this kit is a compilation of the best training resources to equip you to take your current capacity for multiplication to the next level.
Topics Include:
- Shifting your paradigm towards multiplication
- Beginning stages of multiplication
- Reproducing your church
- Launching and Leading a church multiplication network
- Unleashing APEST for multiplication
Resources Include:
- Over 15 hours of audio training
- 7 eBooks
- Training videos from J.D. Greear, Bob Roberts, and more
Featured Leaders in this Resource Kit
J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina.
Under Pastor J.D.’s leadership, the Summit has grown from a plateaued church of 300 to one of over 10,000, making it one of Outreach magazine’s “top 25 fastest-growing churches in America” for many years running.
Seating capacity, however, is not the church’s primary metric for success. Sending capacity is. Pastor J.D. has led the Summit in a bold vision to plant one thousand new churches by the year 2050. In the last 15 years, the church has sent out more than 1,000 people to live on church planting teams—in North Carolina, across the United States, and around the world.
Drew Hyun is a Church Planter and Pastor of Hope Church Midtown, as well as the Founding Pastor of Hope Church NYC, a family of diverse churches in NYC and the Co-Founder of the New City Network, a network of urban churches. He has spent the last 16 years living and pastoring in New York. He loves cities, ESPN, and naps, and finds it a restful Sabbath when all three come together. He resides in New York City with his lovely wife Christina and their two children, David and Avery. Drew is the author of no books.
Ralph Moore is the Founding Pastor of three churches which grew into the Hope Chapel ‘movement’ now numbering more than 2,300 churches, worldwide. These are the offspring of the 70+ congregations launched from Ralph’s hands-on disciplemaking efforts.
He currently serves as “Church Multiplication Catalyzer” for Exponential. In addition to this, he travels the globe, teaching church multiplication to pastors in startup movements. He’s authored several books, including Let Go Of the Ring: The Hope Chapel Story, Making Disciples, How to Multiply Your Church, Starting a New Church, and Defeating Anxiety. Catch his blog at
Ray Chang has been actively engaged in church planting with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) for the past 20 years. Planting two multi-ethnic churches (Washington D.C. and Los Angeles), Ray has a vision to plant multiplying and missional churches reaching and building bridges to all nations. Ambassador has helped launch over 12 churches in the past 15 years. Ray also oversees a church planting network for developing multiethnic leaders through Ambassador Network. Ray is currently the Senior Pastor of Ambassador Church, a multisite church in Anaheim and Brea, CA.
Alan Hirsch is the founding director of 100 Movements, 5Q Collective, and Forge Mission Training Network. He has written numerous seminal books including The Forgotten Ways, The Permanent Revolution, and 5Q. Widely considered to be a thought leader in the global missional movement, Alan is known for his innovative approach to mission, church, and leadership.
Jessie Cruickshank is a nationally recognized expert in both the fields of neuroeducation and experiential education. She has spent over a decade applying neuroeducation research to experiential education, adventure education, discipleship, and ministry training.
Jessie completed her Ed.M. in Harvard’s Mind, Brain, and Education program. She has edited several books on the application of neuroscience and cognitive psychology to the field of education, and co-authored several publications including “Understanding and Mastering Complexity: Co-Constructed Learning Enhances Understanding,” Information Age Newsletter edited by Robert Sylwester and “Evolving Kolb: Experiential Education in the Age of Neuroscience,” published in the Journal of Experiential Education.
Jessie served as a state-side missionary for 15 years at Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries (SROM) as the Program Director and Administrative Director, helping SROM become the premier Christian outdoor program in the world and an international leader in discipleship and ministry training. As an ordained Foursquare minister, she currently serves as the Director of Leadership Development in the Gateway District. She also serves as member of the Foursquare National Church education team and as a Trustee of Life Pacific College.
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