Multiplication Webcast


Multiplication Webcast


Videos from the Multiplication Webcast 2016!


Digital Access Pass Multiplication Webcast 2016

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Session 1: Multiplication Levels Conversation
Ed Stetzer, Ralph Moore, and Alan Hirsch will share the state of multiplication today as they see it in their area of expertise. They will come together to discuss tensions that exist in the church today and how churches might adjust their strategies to increase their level of multiplication in the future.
Speakers: Ed Stetzer, Ralph Moore, Alan Hirsch

Session 2: Tension of Motives Conversation
The Tension of Motives (proximity) focuses on here vs. there (the next church). If leaders are serious about being a reproducing, multiplying and movement-making church, the church they lead will start here but will need to go there. Join Ed Stetzer, Dave Ferguson and Dave Dummitt for an in-depth conversation on the Tension of Motives.
Speakers: Ed Stetzer, Dave Ferguson, Dave Dummitt

Session 3: Tension of Measurement Conversation
In this session, we’ll talk practically about what it looks like for a church or church plant to measure success by not only seating capacity but sending capacity. How do you pastor or plant a church that has sending in its DNA from the beginning?
Speakers: Ed Stetzer, J.D. Greear, D.A. Horton

Session 4: Tension of Methods Conversation
This session begins the conversation on the Tension of Methods. “Do I start something new before we build?” “Will our church financially sacrifice to plant a church?” “After working really hard for 30 years, do I just relax now? Or do I keep taking risks?” These are just some of the questions planters and senior pastors have to consider.
Speakers: Ed Stetzer, Tim Hawks, Keith Ferguson

Session 5: Best Practices of Sending Churches Panel
Still looking for answers in regards to being a Sending Church? In this Q&A session, Ed Stetzer will interview a panel of pastors of Sending Churches to serve in encouraging every pastor and planter to multiply by developing and sending out planters.
Speakers: Ed Stetzer, Brian Bloye, Bob Roberts, Matt Chandler, Dhati Lewis, J.D. Greear

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