National Study on Disciple Making in USA Churches


Exponential and are pleased to announce the public release of the National Study on Disciple Making in USA Churches.

Most church leaders would agree the primary purpose of the church is to make disciples, who are disciple-makers, that reproduce more disciples-makers so we can advance the mission of Jesus.

But, how are we doing in terms of the primary purpose of the church?

This study reveals critical findings of the state of discipleship in the church today. Here are some of the things you will learn in the report:

  • Fewer than 5% of churches in the United States have a reproducing disciple making culture.
  • No churches in the study reflect viral-like disciple making movements.
  • Churches lack common definitions for basic terms such as “discipleship,” “disciple,” and “disciple making.”

This FREE report will give your church recommendations to engage in healthy disciple making practices.