The Emerging Micro-Church Era: Addition, Reproduction, or Multiplication?


In early 2010, Exponential published a white paper titled, “A Micro Manifesto,” in which we took a forward look at where we saw the Church in the United States heading in the coming decade (from 2010 to 2020). As forecasted in the report, we’re now seeing the natural progression of the “mega-focused” church to the “multi-focused” church to the next era of the “micro-focused” church. As most mega-multi churches continue their addition-growth focus, the next logical, evolutionary frontier is to extend and leverage the multi into the micro context.

As Exponential continues to look for new wineskins necessary for Level 5 multiplication in the United States, we see a potential awakening for the Church. This new emerging era of micro-focused churches is now positioned to produce a much-needed fresh wind and reformation in the Church. Or, conversely, it could represent a major distraction and barrier to multiplication.

To help you and your team discern the path forward for you and your church in this next season of church growth, Exponential has developed a white paper, “The Emerging Micro-Church Era: Addition, Reproduction or Multiplication? 10 Questions to Consider.” You’ll get a comprehensive look at this burgeoning movement and more importantly, specific questions to guide your decision-making process as you consider if or how your church will engage. We’ve also included the paper we wrote back in 2010, “A Micro Manifesto.” You can download this white paper as a FREE eBook in pdf, ePub and mobi (Kindle) formats.

Todd Wilson
Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd was a co-founder and founding CEO of Exponential, which organizes and hosts the annual Exponential Global conference in Orlando and live events throughout the United States and world. Todd lives in Durham, NC, with his wife, Anna. They have two sons and two daughters-in-law: Ben & Therese and Chris & Mariah, and two amazing grandsons.
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