The Great Disappearance


We can assume that making disciples is perhaps the greatest pursuit of any Christian as these were the last instructions by Jesus. And for the first few years of the early church, we see this clearly at work. But something happens after Acts 21: The word “disciple” disappears completely from the pages of scripture. It vanishes and with it, much of the language associated with discipleship. What are we to make of this great disappearance and what it might have to do with the trials and travails we are facing, as we seem to make disciples today?

Mike Breen
Mike and Sally Breen have been innovators in leading missional churches throughout Europe and the United States for more than 25 years. In their time at St. Thomas Sheffield in the UK, they were one of the original pioneers of Missional Communities, mid-sized groups of 20-50 people on mission together. The result, less than 6 years later, was the largest church in England, and ultimately, one of the largest and now fastest growing churches in the whole of Europe. In 2006 Mike and Sally were approached by Leadership Network to lead an initiative into church planting. Through this partnership, more than 750 churches were planted in Europe in just three years. Today, Mike and Sally live in South Carolina, leading 3DM, a movement/organization that is helping hundreds of established churches and church planters move into this discipling and missional way of being the church. Mike is the Senior Guardian of The Order of Mission (TOM) -a global covenant community of networked missional leaders. He has authored numerous books, selling more than 150,000 copies, including Launching Missional Communities, Building a Discipling Culture and Covenant and Kingdom. You can follow Mike’s blog at
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