Pursuit Church Live

Project: Pursuit Chuch Live

Leader: Angela Craig


PCL is a digital-only church/community with the mission and heart to reach people who are spiritually homeless (people who can’t or won’t attend a traditional/ institutional in-person church).

Project Categories

  • Digital Engagement and Technology Models and Methods
  • Disciple Making and Church Engagement
  • Micro Models and Expressions

Big Idea and Overview

PCL began as a learning incubator for digital ministry in 2017. Our goal was (and still is) to go where people were (are) gathering. We tested several social Networks, streaming services, and APP, podcast, and website use.

By 2018 we found Facebook as our home base with a community of over 7000 followers and 29 conversions in the first year. In 2018 our church model (Digital +) was formed: Content-Daily DiscipleshipaEngagementaDiscipleshipaMultiplication (in-person and online micro-communities) along with PCL Partners (helping people get plugged into a local church community), and a funding funnel called, Difference Makers (Money given to NPO of PCL Followers).

In 2019/20, PCL became partners with Northwest University Online to give more people access to education and train ministers. Today, PCL has over 15,918 followers in 47 countries with over 2500 people in small groups on Facebook, in FB Messenger, WhatsApp, and the YouVersion Bible APP. What makes PCL different is our engagement strategy. Our strategy is that everyone who likes, comments, or shares content is seen, heard, and included by God and by our community through a personal invitation from a team or community member.

Customer / Mission Field Context

Global reach through Facebook that has a current 2.8 billion users a month.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

1. Digital Outreach/1 million people

2. Daily Discipleship

3. Multiplication through small groups and micro-communities

4. PCL School

Results and

  • 15,918 Followers on Facebook

  • Serving 47 countries and 48 languages

  • Over 2500 individuals in small groups

  • Equipping and encouraging 233 leaders in digital ministry groups and internships