Ed Stetzer on The Top Questions Church Planters Wrestle With

Video Series

January 2, 2018

Ed Stetzer is a long time friend of Exponential and will be speaking at the 2018 Exponential Conference.  Ed and over 150 other national speakers will be part of Exponential 2018. With 40 tracks, 200+ workshops, and 1,000s of other like-minded leaders, you won’t want to miss it – register here. Enjoy this video series with Ed Stetzer on the top questions church planters wrestle with.

Introduction with Ed Stetzer


Why Does Church Planting Matter?


How Important is it to Have a Mentor?

How Important is Calling, to Planting a Church?


How do I Feel Called?


How do I Know When to Multiply or Plant a Church?


How do I Know Where to Plant?


How do I Find a Model for Planting a Church?

How do I Know When to Multiply or Plant a new Church?