Raising Up New Leaders | Joby Martin | Exponential

December 22, 2016


The number one thing to do in ministry is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.  – Joby Martin

People lead other people to Jesus. So we need to spend the majority of our time developing people, instead of programs and productions! So, what is the effective path to develop and empower leaders as disciple-making disciples and reproducing leaders?  In this podcast from Exponential East 2016, Joby Martin, pastor of The Church of Eleven22, shares how they build up leaders in a way that has allowed the church’s attendance to grow from zero to over 7500 in three years.

“Sometimes putting people in positions a little early – where their dependence on God grows like crazy – is the best thing we can do for their walk with Jesus.” – Joby Martin

Join Joby at Exponential East 2017, where he will lead more workshops on leadership.

Key Highlights:

  • Jesus’ model of ministry
  • Identifying potential leaders
  • Types of leadership
  • Modeling discipleship and training on a personal level
  • Systematizing leadership development
Raising up New Leaders – Joby Martin

Pastor Joby Martin is the Lead Pastor of The Church of Eleven22. Pastor Joby graduated with his Masters in Divinity from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond and has been in full-time ministry for 20 years. Joby served as a Youth Pastor for years before becoming an Executive Pastor at Beach Church. Through an unprecedented movement of God, Pastor Joby and a team of leaders successfully launched the non-denominational Church of Eleven22 out of Beach Church in September of 2012.