Regaining Our Voice and Credibility | Mosaix | Exponential

December 8, 2016


Due to the systemic segregation of local churches today, the vast majority of pastors and churches in this country have little to no credibility when attempting to speak to the most pressing issues of our time – those affecting or otherwise shaped by race, class, and culture. This podcast, recorded at Exponential West 2016, is a panel of cross-culturally competent leaders who share their own thoughts and field questions on today’s multi-ethnic issues.

Key Highlights

  • The Gospel provides insight to race problems
  • How to navigate and nuance your response to issues
  • Where the Gospel intersects with politics

Join the Mosaix Global Network at Exponential East 2017, where they will facilitate more conversations and lead more workshops on multi-ethnic topics.

Mosaix is a relational network of pastors and planters, denominational and network leaders, educators, authors, and researchers alike, that exists to establish healthy multi-ethnic and economically diverse churches for the sake of the gospel. Mosaix believes the church should be in the middle of the conversations on race, justice, and the multi-ethnicity of churches.

Regaining our Voice and Credibility – Mark DeYmaz, John Teter, Daniel Rodriguez, Josh Chavez, Noemi Chavez