Exponential Is Expanding with Two Regional Conferences!

March 14, 2016


This fall Exponential will bring its message of church multiplication to Washington, D.C. and Chicago, increasing the reach and impact of our 2016 theme, Becoming Five.

New Exponential Regional Conferences:
Sept. 12-13, Washington, D.C., New Life Christian Church
Nov. 15-16, Chicago, Community Christian Church

The new Exponential Regional Conferences are 2-day events designed to bring the full impact of the main stage from the Exponential East and West conferences closer to home so that more people have the opportunity to experience Exponential live!

To learn more + register for Exponential’s Fall 2016 regional events, go to exponential.org/events.

The Regional Conferences feature:

  • 10+ speakers and worship in five main sessions
  • Top speakers such as Dave Gibbons (D.C.), Dave Ferguson (Chicago and D.C.), Michael Frost (Chicago), Efrem Smith (Chicago) and Mark Batterson (D.C.), among numerous others
  • 4 leader-facilitated interactive breakout discussions with other church planters/leaders on the same journey or in the same network or denomination
  • Half-day Pre-conference Intensives
  • Face-to-face connecting opportunities with other church planters
  • Potential to bring leadership and launch teams together for the same conversation

The Regional Conferences make it easy for leaders who are unable to attend the annual four-day Exponential East and West conferences to come for two days and experience the Exponential Main Stage live, as well as gather face-to-face with other church planters and learn from their peers. Plus, Regionals offer numerous and innovative opportunities for leadership and launch teams to come and learn together. Becoming a Multiplying Church starts with shared leadership values.

If you’re on the west coast, join thousands of leaders for our national west coast event.

Exponential West National Conference
Oct. 3-6, Los Angeles, California, Mariners Church

Exponential West 2016 features:

  • 2000+ church planting leaders
  • 75 speakers
  • 9 tracks
  • 70 workshops

All of these conferences push into the concept of moving from addition to real kingdom multiplication. Click here for the details and get an inside look at Exponential’s 2016 theme, Becoming Five.

Please pray with us that in 2016 a growing number of church leaders around the United States will be inspired, challenged and equipped to focus on multiplication to become Level 5 multiplying churches that risk to reach our world.