Gospel saturation must be the driving force for healthy disciples, churches, and city movements. Join Jeff Shipman and Scott Chapman in this podcast from Exponential East 2016 as they talk through what it looks like to unify the Church to consistently demonstrate and communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child throughout our cities. They explain how the great commission informs our missiology and ecclesiology.
“Are you going to build attenders or disciples?” – Scott Chapman
Don’t miss Exponential East 2017 where there will be multiple workshop tracks on church multiplication and saturating your city with the Gospel.
Key Saturation Highlights:
- Initiating conversations to collaborate with other churches
- Scorecard for successful church planting
Currently Jeff Shipman serves as teaching pastor at Crossroads and also serves as the National Catalyst for the Christ Together network. Scott Chapman leads The Chapel, a non-denominational, multi-site church gathering in eight locations across the suburban ring of Chicago, pursuing revival in their city. Christ Together exists to unify the Church to consistently demonstrate and communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child in America.