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Elevating Generosity and Stewardship Episode 4 – Generosity and Stewardship in a Church Plant

Church planters have a lot to think about. One of those critically important issues is generosity and stewardship.


Innovation as Stewardship

Innovation is often born out of adversity. Problems, setbacks, and challenges require us to find new paths forward. New solutions...

Change is inevitable, how we respond to it is a choice.

Change Stewardship: Key to Evangelism Effectiveness?

One of my favorite sound bites from Jesus is John 4.23. He uses this trippy phrase: the time is coming...


Elevating Generosity and Stewardship Episode 1 – Equipping the Next Generation

As leaders, it is our responsibility to call people to a higher level of engagement and commitment. Part of that...


Elevating Generosity and Stewardship Episode 5 – Developing a Strategy

Hope is not a strategy. We’ll talk about Christ Fellowship’s comprehensive strategy to elevate generosity and stewardship.


The Greater Good

Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love God with our whole selves (heart, soul, mind, strength) and to...

Moving from Church-Centric to Kingdom-Centric

The big challenge ahead for Western churches is to shift our focus from being all about the church to centering...

Next Generation Resource Kit

The Next Generation Resource Kit is designed to help you raise up and disciple the next generation of church leaders....

Disciplemaking in the Digital Age

Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into disciplemaking within Christian ministry heralds a transformative era, offering an opportunity to enhance the fabric...

Is Church Revitalization the New Church Planting?

In a post-Covid world, almost every church finds itself in somewhat of a revitalization process. But even before Covid, a...