Young People, You Are Called!

When I met Jesus, I remember so many people throwing around the word “calling” or talking about being “called” to something. It was a mystery to me. I filled pages […]
Empowering the Next Generation of Church Leaders: Overcoming Key Obstacles for Students Transitioning into Adulthood

By Carrie Williams The church stands on the edge of a unique moment in history. Generations Z and Alpha are poised to lead a new movement, characterized by their passion […]
Sharing Stories of Innovation to Inspire the Future of Your Church

When you look around on a Sunday morning – from inside your sanctuary or on your couch – do you wonder, or worry, about what’s next for your church? In […]
Why Think About the Church of 2050?

When we talk about the year 2050, it can feel a little bit preposterous, like something out of science fiction – similar to Marty McFly riding his hoverboard in the […]
How Can Your Church Be More Ready for Tomorrow?

Wayne Gretzky, world famous for more than 1,000 professional hockey goals and 2,000 assists, was once asked his secret. “I don’t go to where the hockey puck is, but to […]
Teenagers Aren’t Just the Church of Today

Young people are not only the church of today, but should be developed and discipled to be the church of tomorrow. They will be the ones to someday lead us […]
If We Don’t, Who Will?

Kingdom entrepreneurs should produce Kingdom entrepreneurs just like Kingdom disciples should produce Kingdom disciples. If we DON’T, who WILL? I am a co-vocational leader and have worked in education for […]
Four Strategic Priorities to Change the Landscape of Reaching Young People Today

The mission of the TENx10 collaboration is to help faith matter more to 10 million teenagers over the next 10 years and to help them experience the abundant life described […]
Knowledge Velocity, Draft Horses, and the Future of the Church

The way people live has changed more between today and 1924 than it did between 1924 and 1024. Put another way, the human experience has changed more in the last […]
Four Essentials To Equip This Generation To Walk In Their Calling

“Why am I here?” This is the number one question I hear from 18 to 25-year-olds. What they usually mean by this is, “What am I supposed to do (for […]