The Future of Multiplication with Hugh Halter and Taylor McCall

Exponential NEXT Podcast Episode 23
Series: The Future of Multiplication

In this episode, Hugh Halter and Taylor McCall sit down with us to discuss what it means to do church planting as an ecosystem. Hugh and Taylor will share their personal journeys and what sparked their vision toward church planting as an ecosystem. We will walk through the reasons why church as an ecosystem will be a key part of the future of multiplication.

For more information about the resources discussed in this episode please visit the links below:



Carrie Williams – Exponential, Executive Director of Exponential NEXT

Bill Couchenour – Exponential, Deployment Director



Hugh Halter and Taylor McCall – Brave Cities

Category: Church NEXT

‘For more information about the resources discussed in this episode please visit the links below:
Book- ‘Brave Cities: The Archeology, Artistry, and Architecture of Kingdom Ecosystems’
Brave Cities Website:

For more from Exponential, visit:

Carrie Williams

Carrie Williams

Carrie Williams is the Executive Director of Exponential NEXT. She has over 25 years of vocational ministry experience and has held leadership positions in global mission organizations, nonprofits and churches. Carrie was the CEO of Leadership Network during its acquisition under the Exponential brand. She was also part of the core leadership team that launched The Church of Eleven22 in Jacksonville, Florida. She was the founder and CEO of The Truth Republic, a non-profit ministry focused on equipping women to fulfill their calling. Currently she uses her vocational experience serving on the front lines as an ambassador carrying the multiplication message while discovering and sharing new learnings from innovative projects that are helping shape the future of the church. Carrie is a nationally known leader and influencer, using her experience to help others explore, be equipped, and empowered toward their unique God-given calling. She is married to Benjamin Williams, Executive Pastor of Culture and Creativity at the Church of Eleven22 and together they have two daughters Kyah and Taylor.
Bill Couchenour

Bill Couchenour

Bill has a fervent desire to see gospel saturation locally, regionally, and throughout the US. He has served churches across the country for over 30 years. As Development Director at Exponential, he provides strategic and operational oversight of Exponential’s R&D and expanding educational opportunities. He facilitates the Exponential Learning Communities that have included Future Travelers and Radical Multisite and, currently, Multipliers: Leading Beyond Addition. He also serves network and denominational leaders of church planting movements with the Exponential resources. Bill also serves as a governing elder and board member at the Underground Network, a network of micro-churches around the world that is based in Tampa, Florida. He has also served in leadership for several other organizations including Youth for Christ, Heartland Christian School, and BeTheChangeProject, and cofounded the Cornerstone Knowledge Network. Bill is married to Pam, and they have five adult children and three grandchildren. He received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Youngstown State University and an MBA from The University of Tampa.
Hugh Halter

Hugh Halter

Hugh Halter and Cheryl, as well as their children and truckload of grandchildren, all live in Alton, Illinois. They have been missionaries in North America for more than 30 years. They’ve planted two churches and, in 2016, founded Lantern Network in Alton, Illinois. Lantern Network is a kingdom ecosystem committed to incubating good works and benevolent businesses to bless the city. Hugh speaks extensively across the globe, encouraging innovative forms of church and, when home, loves to help Cheryl run Rí Beag Refuge, an equine therapy farm. Hugh is a leading missional voice, authoring such books as The Tangible Kingdom, AND: The Gathered and Scattered Church, Flesh, and, most recently, the Life as Mission Series, which seeks to equip Christians to live the missionary life of Jesus in their everyday context. His mission is to encourage the church to be less churchy and instead work on creating social, personal, and spiritual ventures that serve our cities in ways that make God smile. Hugh also co-founded Brave Cities, a consulting agency that catalyzes the building of kingdom ecosystems as a new form of church. You can find Hugh and these resources at or
Taylor McCall

Taylor McCall

Taylor McCall is the founder of Common Thread, a movement of interconnected churches in Birmingham, Alabama, that consists of intentional neighborhood communities, small businesses, and justice works in their city and multiple cities around the world. Taylor and his wife Lindsey and their five children live in downtown Birmingham and have been practicing intentional community for over a decade. A serial entrepreneur from a young age, Taylor began serving in traditional ministry in 1999. For the past 15 years, he and his wife Lindsey have been ministering in urban communities, planting churches, and have started or helped start over 20 businesses as well as a business incubator that has launched many more. They currently are living in Alton, Illinois, just outside of St. Louis, working with Hugh Halter and The Lantern Network.