The Next Generation Is Being Unleashed

June 7, 2022

Finding a Dream to Follow

At the age of 16, I dreamed of changing the world in a grand way. I hoped to use my life to unleash justice in the world, and my young soul longed to rescue the oppressed. However, I didn’t have a clue where to begin.

For months, a whisper was spinning around in my mind: How can I change the world? Constantly, I pleaded with Jesus to show me what I was created for and what my life could look like—really look like. I wanted to live for something larger than myself.

The world’s pain felt heavy on my young shoulders: starvation, slavery, homelessness, trafficking, racism, violence, poverty, and more, and more, and more. I didn’t know what to do with this burden. Yet, at that moment, the God of the universe chose to place a vision in my heart—one I will never forget. I felt Him tell me, “Hannah, you are not called to solve all of the injustice in the world yourself, but I want to use you to empower your generation to fight against the injustice.”

At the age of 16, I dreamed of changing the world in a grand way. I hoped to use my life to unleash justice in the world, and my young soul longed to rescue the oppressed. However, I didn’t have a clue where to begin.

Something woke up within me. I ran up to my bedroom, dug out a whiteboard, and furiously drew out plans and ideas and visions for what it could look like to truly empower my generation. The vision was intoxicating.

How About You?

A few years later, I became more discouraged, confused, and burdened than ever. So many in my generation were settling for mediocre stories. They were entrenched in the expectations of the world, controlled by the culture’s push for more, marked by a lack of meaning, and desperate for a different kind of life. My peers were sprinting from church, convinced that the excitement, adventure, and risk they were searching for would never be found within the four walls of religion. 

I didn’t know what to do, so I started to talk to God about it. “God,” I whispered, “somebody has to tell my generation we don’t need to walk away from you to fight injustice, discover purpose, and unleash our passions.” At that moment, I sensed God whisper back, “That’s right, Hannah. How about you?”

A few years later, I became more discouraged, confused, and burdened than ever.

Those three words have the potential to change everything in your life. However, it’s up to you to respond. You can say Yes or No. You can raise your hand or back away slowly. You can take action or remain stationary. If you’re willing, God offers you the courage to say Yes.

I said Yes even though I was terrified, utterly unsure, and exhilarated.

Start Doing Something

Before I was even ready, my husband and I just started doing things. We built a website, gathered people, shot videos, and created curriculum. Soon, the mobilizing organization called Generation Distinct was born.

Since becoming a non-profit in 2017, Generation Distinct has had the vision to use “injustice” and “passion,” subjects nearly an entire generation cares about, to introduce GenZ to Jesus and his gospel. We do this through a six-month online program marketed and designed to equip young leaders to discover “the wrong they were born to make right.” Drawn to Generation Distinct, these leaders long to be educated on injustice and seek to unleash their passion. They quickly find themselves immersed in a program strategically laced with the character of Jesus, the gospel, the biblical definition of justice, the Great Commission, and the work of redemption. At the end of the program, they not only discover Jesus but also find their unique role in furthering God’s mission in this world.

This is the challenge to you: Don’t wait for things to be perfect or for everything to be aligned exactly, just start moving forward. Partner with what God has put on your heart and trust that God will build it with you.