Did you ever end up somewhere you never intended to be?
“Hey, why are we in Michigan?” is a moment from a road trip a few years back that comes to mind for me. The missed exit on that trip added an hour and another state to our trip! And there’s the time we got lost in the rain in the Colorado Rockies because I was sure the trail would be marked and that no map was needed – oops!
But the series of turns that has been extra surprising and so very rewarding are the ones that led me to leading in ministry and eventually to my current role as one of the co-directors of Exponential Women Next – places I never intended to be though!
I graduated from a state school with a degree in junior high education. I got a job teaching 6th and 7th grade history and English. I LOVED it! I loved my first class of 6th and 7th graders. There was no doubt that God created me to be a teacher! I taught at that same school for 9 years.
It was during those years of teaching that I began to attend Deer Creek Christian Church. I was already a Christ follower, but in that season, it basically meant attending church on Sunday and reading my Bible on my own occasionally, not much more. At some point along the way, I was invited to attend a small group. I took a chance, said yes, and got connected! That first, “Yes” led to many more.
It was also there that I heard Earl Ferguson (didn’t know it then, but he would become my father-in-law!) teach on the fact that all Christ followers have spiritual gifts and there’s a place for us to use them to serve the body of Christ, the church. I began praying for where God might want to use my gifts. A couple of weeks later, I was asked to serve with the high school youth group at that church and I knew the right answer was, “Yes!” It was the next ”Yes” in a series of yes’s that led me to this place I had never intended to go. Working with the high schoolers there led to me saying yes to going on mission trips, hosting meals and sleepovers at my townhouse, and much more!
While I was serving the youth at that church, Dave became the youth pastor there. The next yes, was “Yes and I do.” In a packed church, Dave and I got married in February 1988. We actually included a commitment to Christian service in our wedding ceremony. Our reception was an amazing celebration that included so many people we loved!
It was on our honeymoon that Dave threw a big question my way, “What do you think about us moving to Naperville to start a new church?” I found this to be some very serious “bait and switch.” The church we met in was home, we were loved there, we had purpose there. But, as we discussed it further, I realized this was something Dave felt called to do, so once again, I said, “Yes.” Six months after we got married we packed up a U-Haul and moved to Naperville to lay the groundwork for planting Community Christian Church.
35 Years of the Next ‘Yes!’
For the last 35 years that we have served God and others through Community, I have said yes to lots of different things. It began with things that required time, but not necessarily leadership. It grew to much more.
“Would you make phone calls?”
Would you work in the nursery when we launch services?
“Would you lead a small group?”
“Would you apprentice someone else to be a small group leader?”
“Would you coach small group leaders?
“Would you help get small groups started at a new campus?”
“Would you be a super coach and coach other small group coaches?”
“Would you join our Kids’ City staff team?”
“Hmmm, I’ll pray about that.”
Gotta be honest, really didn’t think I’d say yes to that, but I did pray about it. God, who is always faithful, brought to mind several reasons to say yes, and guess what? I said, “Yes!”
When a small groups’ staff role opened up, and I was asked if I’d like to apply for it, I said, “Yes!” I was already leading in that area as a volunteer, and small groups were where my heart and leadership gifts felt most at home.
And truly I thought that part-time small groups position is where I would stay. But much to my surprise, I was asked to act as an interim co-campus pastor (in addition to my small groups role) at our largest location, the Naperville Yellow Box. And after praying about it, and feeling like I heard God say, “For such a time as this,” in a moment that still surprises me when I look back, I said, “Yes!”
I thought I was saying yes to a three-month stand in the gap role, but it turned out to be a full year of leading in that way!
An Occasional ‘No’
In full disclosure, there were several times along the way that I did say no. I said no to going on staff at Deer Creek Church where I first served the high schoolers. I said no to being a full-time staff person several times throughout my 15 years on paid staff at Community. It was better for me, and our family, for me to work part-time. I said no to adding more to what I was already leading right after our third child was born. I said no to chaperoning student ministry trips – been there, done that! And my kids didn’t really want me there!
In 2023, I decided it was time for me to apprentice someone younger to take over my small groups’ role, and wrap up my time on staff at Community. God sent the next right person at the right time! I knew that even though I was retiring from my staff role, I wouldn’t retire from serving Jesus, but I wasn’t really sure what he had next for me.
A New Opportunity to Say, ‘Yes!’
Just a month or two later Carrie Williams, the director of Exponential NEXT, asked to meet with me and my friend, and fellow pastor, Janet McMahon. In that meeting, she asked Janet and me to pray about leading Exponential Women NEXT. I was surprised! In fact, I believe I said, “Don’t you have someone more qualified than me to lead this?” (Women not feeling qualified is a topic for a whole different article).
Janet and I asked a few questions and agreed to pray about it. After praying about it, we both felt like this was something God had next for us (no pun intended!) and this next yes (okay maybe the pun is intended!) opened up some wonderful opportunities. Once again, God showed us that our job was to trust him, and that it was okay to feel a bit overwhelmed. Actually, it’s probably good for those of us with leadership gifts to feel a bit overwhelmed. It helps us to remember it’s not about what we can do, but about the work the Holy Spirit wants to do in and through us!
We loved how God stretched us. We loved connecting with, encouraging, and platforming so many amazing women’s voices through Exponential Women NEXT. And we loved this opportunity to work together as it had been a dream for us to do so in some way, some day.
This past year has flown by and we’ve learned a lot. God has been so, so faithful! And then, unsolicited, Janet got offered a new job, one that she was perfect for in so many ways, one that would require all of her time and energy, one that meant she wouldn’t have the capacity to lead at Exponential Women NEXT, too. Not going to lie, even though I knew this was God at work in Janet’s life, I was sad. I gave myself 24 hours to sit in that sad and then began to consider what was next for me.
I figured I had three options. 1. Quit 2. Lead Exponential Women NEXT on my own for another year 3. Ask someone else to do it with me. But in prayer, I heard God ask me why I said yes in the first place. Did I say yes to him or yes to my own plans? I had to be honest and answer, “Well, some of both!” But I also knew where he was leading me. He was leading me to find a way forward to continue to serve and lead with a yes.
And within a couple of weeks that “Yes, I will continue to serve You and your Kingdom purposes,” led to me asking an amazing younger leader, Lori Ruffin, to lead Exponential Women NEXT alongside me. And I’m so glad I did. I know God has more to do through Exponential Women NEXT and Lori is going to be a great help in opening doors and making connections for God to expand our territory, reach even more women, and expand his Kingdom!
Mary’s ‘Yes!’
I’m writing this during the Advent season. I’m reading and enjoying Bette Dickinson’s Making Room in Advent devotional. In it, she shares that when God asked Mary to carry Jesus inside her, he didn’t ask her to get a degree, to learn some new skills, etc. He asked to come dwell in the confines of who she already was. He asks her to be available. Mary said yes to God leading her to some places I’m sure she never intended to go! Mary inspires me!
What about you? Are you open to God leading you somewhere you never intended to go? What does it look like to be on that kind of journey? I believe it begins with being honest – Mary was. She asked, “How can this be…?” But she followed it quickly with, “I am the Lord’s servant…” God honored Mary’s question. She didn’t doubt he could do it, she just wondered, how. He’ll do the same for you!
God didn’t tell Mary all that lay ahead. She had no idea of what all was included in that first yes. He didn’t tell me what would follow that first yes to serving him, and I doubt he will tell you. But he will walk with you each step of the way. Are you willing to be led a place you never intended to go? It starts with a simple, “Yes.”
Here Are Three Steps In Determining Your Next ‘Yes!’
I believe with all decisions we must spend time in prayer asking God to open and close doors as he sees fit. He’s really good at that, you know! For over 40 years of serving him, I’ve seen him do this in some extraordinary ways! He’ll do the same for you!
I believe we seek wise counsel. I trust God to speak through some spiritually wise people in my life. He’s done it many times. He’ll do the same for you!
I believe we say yes and trust him to provide. And if you feel a bit overwhelmed, that’s okay. God does his best work when we don’t have it all figured out! He’s shown me that SO many times! He’ll do the same for you!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge the Lord in all of your ways, and he will direct your path! (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Saying, “Yes!” to God on each step of your leadership journey may take you to places you never intended to go, but trust me, the journey will be richer for it!